fsharplang-ru / translations

Репозиторий переводов для сайта русскоязычного сообщества F#
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Creating an Azure Function in F# from the ground up #24

Open gsomix opened 6 years ago

gsomix commented 6 years ago

http://brandewinder.com/2017/02/11/fsharp-azure-function-from-the-ground-up-part-1/ http://brandewinder.com/2017/03/06/fsharp-azure-function-from-the-ground-up-part-2/


gsomix Hello, Mathias. Just to recall, my name is Evgeniy Andreev, I'm member of the Russian-speaking F# community. Do you mind if I translate your articles "Creating an Azure Function in F# from the ground up" into Russian? Recently we have published translation of "Get Started with F# as a C# developer" [1]. It really helps to bring new members to community. We plan to publish translations on a website (fsharplang-ru.github.io) keeping links to original articles. Thanks in advance! [1] https://habrahabr.ru/company/microsoft/blog/335560/

mathias of course, go for it :)