fsharplang-ru / translations

Репозиторий переводов для сайта русскоязычного сообщества F#
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Why OO Matters (In F#) #4

Open gsomix opened 7 years ago

gsomix commented 7 years ago

Ссылка на оригинал: https://eiriktsarpalis.wordpress.com/2017/03/20/why-oo-matters-in-f/ Лицензия: уточнить у автора

gsomix commented 7 years ago

gsomix [11:50 AM] Hello, Eirik. My name is Evgeniy Andreev, I'm member of the Russian-speaking F# society. Do you mind if I translate your article "Why OO matters" into Russian? We plan to publish translations on a website (fsharplang-ru.github.io) keeping links to original articles.

Thanks in advance!

eirik [1:16 PM] sure, no problem