fshutdown / JMeter-WebSocketSampler

JMeter - WebSocket Sampler
Apache License 2.0
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Able to connect to socket, but only getting sids and not message I expect #86

Open leibson opened 2 years ago

leibson commented 2 years ago

When I run a python script with python-socketio to connect to the socket I'm interested in, I can see the messages I want.

When I attempt to do the same thing using the JMeter WebSocketSampler, I do not see those messages.

Here is the Python & result. I run this while I run my JMeter script which simply makes a few REST API requests. Note the Cookie is essential to make this work.

sio.connect("https://events.dev.xxx.com", transports='websocket',
            headers={'Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: permessage-deflate', 'Sec-Fetch-Dest: websocket',
             'Sec-Fetch-Mode: websocket',
             'Cookie: xxxSESSIONDEV=NTI3MzkwNWUtMTJmNS00Y2U0LTk1NGUtMjQ2Mzk5OTYxZWE0'})


Received packet MESSAGE data 2["message","{\"locationId\":110,\"name\":\"GAME_STARTED\",\"payload\":{\"id\":146724,\"boxId\":2002,\"userId\":419,\"createdAt\":\"2022-03-02T14:35:31\",\"lastModifiedAt\":\"2022-03-02T14:35:36.752\",\"completedAt\":\"2022-03-02T14:35:36.621\",\"activationMethod\":\"TAG\",\"nfcTagId\":\"OONqDs87Si\",\"gameCount\":1,\"app\":false}}"]

Here is what I have tried: image

It simply returns

[Frame 1]

[Message 2]

What am I missing?

The JMeter test plan has a Cookie Manager. Not sure what else to try. The JMeter Header Manager has the headers above, in the code.