fslaborg / FSharp.Stats

statistical testing, linear algebra, machine learning, fitting and signal processing in F#
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[Feature Request] Update all comments according to XML documentation styling #281

Open bvenn opened 11 months ago

bvenn commented 11 months ago


Documenting your code with XML documentation has the huge benefit of a structured preview and concise description in the automated API reference:

Current triple slash documentation

/// This function takes a collection of x values performs a log transform
let myFunction (xData: seq<float>) = xData |> Seq.map log

Improved XML documentation

/// <summary>This function takes a collection of x values performs a log transform</summary>
/// <remarks>Note, that the log of 0 is -infinity</remarks>
/// <param name="xData">collection of values to be transformed</param>
/// <returns>A collection of log transformed values</returns>
/// <example> 
/// <code> 
/// // e.g. abundance data for ABC
/// let xData = vector [|1.;2.;3.;4.;5.;6.|]
/// // Apply the log transform to the xData
/// myFunction xData
/// </code> 
/// </example>
let myFunction (xData: seq<float>) = xData |> Seq.map log


Hints (click to expand if you need additional pointers) - To be able to contribute to this library you'll need - an GitHub account - an IDE like Visual Studio Community or Visual Studio Code - [dotnet 6 sdk](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download) - to build the binaries yourself follow the [instructions](https://fslab.org/FSharp.Stats/#Installation) - while working on the [FSharp.Stats documentation](https://fslab.org/FSharp.Stats/) (any file within https://github.com/fslaborg/FSharp.Stats/tree/developer/docs) you can navigate to the project folder with a prompt of your choice and use the command `./build watchdocs` - unit tests can be executed via `./build runtests`


OwenMadden commented 9 months ago

I can take a look at this. I will start with the Signal - Padding.