fslaborg / FSharp.Stats

statistical testing, linear algebra, machine learning, fitting and signal processing in F#
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Addition of Bezier curves #289

Closed bvenn closed 9 months ago

bvenn commented 10 months ago


Bezier curves can be found in sketching software, optimization algorithms and game/movie animations. A curve is drawn between two points that is controlled by m ={1,2,3 .. } control points. If m=1 the resulting curve is quadratic, m=2 results in cubic curves etc.. Nested LERPs are used to identify the desired y-value from an given x value.





Fourth-order curve:


De Casteljau's algorithm allows the efficient calculation of these curves.


#r "nuget: Plotly.NET.Interactive, 4.2.1"
#r "nuget: FSharp.Stats, 0.5.0"

open Plotly.NET
open Plotly.NET.StyleParam
open FSharp.Stats

let t = 0.3
let p0 = vector [|1.;1.|] //point 0 that should be traversed
let c0 = vector [|1.1;2.1|] //control point 0
let c1 = vector [|3.8;1.6|] //control point 1
let p1 = vector [|3.;2.|] //point 1 that should be traversed

let lerp (p1: vector) (p2: vector) (t: float) = 
    p1 + t * (p2 - p1)

let a = lerp p0 c0 t
let b = lerp c0 c1 t
let c = lerp c1 p1 t
let d = lerp a b t
let e = lerp b c t
let f = lerp d e t

let assemble t = 
    let a = lerp p0 c0 t
    let b = lerp c0 c1 t
    let c = lerp c1 p1 t
    let d = lerp a b t
    let e = lerp b c t
    let f = lerp d e t

let chart = 
        Chart.Point([p0.[0]],[p0.[1]],Name="Point_0",MarkerColor=Color.fromHex "#1f77b4") |> Chart.withMarkerStyle(Size=12)
        Chart.Point([c0.[0]],[c0.[1]],Name="Control_0",MarkerColor=Color.fromHex "#ff7f0e")|> Chart.withMarkerStyle(Size=10)
        Chart.Point([c1.[0]],[c1.[1]],Name="Control_1",MarkerColor=Color.fromHex "#ff7f0e")|> Chart.withMarkerStyle(Size=10)
        Chart.Point([p1.[0]],[p1.[1]],Name="Point_1",MarkerColor=Color.fromHex "#1f77b4") |> Chart.withMarkerStyle(Size=12)

        Chart.Line([p0.[0];c0.[0]],[p0.[1];c0.[1]],Name="LERP_A",MarkerColor=Color.fromHex "#919191")
        Chart.Line([c0.[0];c1.[0]],[c0.[1];c1.[1]],Name="LERP_B",MarkerColor=Color.fromHex "#919191")
        Chart.Line([c1.[0];p1.[0]],[c1.[1];p1.[1]],Name="LERP_C",MarkerColor=Color.fromHex "#919191")

        Chart.Point([a.[0]],[a.[1]],Name="A_t",MarkerColor=Color.fromHex "#000000")
        Chart.Point([b.[0]],[b.[1]],Name="B_t",MarkerColor=Color.fromHex "#000000")
        Chart.Point([c.[0]],[c.[1]],Name="C_t",MarkerColor=Color.fromHex "#000000")

        Chart.Line([a.[0];b.[0]],[a.[1];b.[1]],Name="LERP_D",MarkerColor=Color.fromHex "#5d5d5d")
        Chart.Line([b.[0];c.[0]],[b.[1];c.[1]],Name="LERP_E",MarkerColor=Color.fromHex "#5d5d5d")

        Chart.Point([d.[0]],[d.[1]],Name="D_t",MarkerColor=Color.fromHex "#000000")
        Chart.Point([e.[0]],[e.[1]],Name="E_t",MarkerColor=Color.fromHex "#000000")

        Chart.Line([d.[0];e.[0]],[d.[1];e.[1]],Name="LERP_F",MarkerColor=Color.fromHex "#292929")

        Chart.Point([f.[0]],[f.[1]],Name="F_t",MarkerColor=Color.fromHex "#1f77b4") |> Chart.withMarkerStyle(Size=12)

        [0. .. 0.01 .. 0.3] |> List.map (fun t -> assemble t) |> Chart.Line |> Chart.withTraceInfo "Bezier" |> Chart.withLineStyle(Color=Color.fromHex "#1f77b4",Width=4.)
    |> Chart.combine
    |> Chart.withTemplate ChartTemplates.lightMirrored
    |> Chart.show



Hints (click to expand if you need additional pointers) - To be able to contribute to this library you'll need - an GitHub account - an IDE like Visual Studio Community or Visual Studio Code - [dotnet 6 sdk](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download) - to build the binaries yourself follow the [instructions](https://fslab.org/FSharp.Stats/#Installation) - while working on the [FSharp.Stats documentation](https://fslab.org/FSharp.Stats/) (any file within https://github.com/fslaborg/FSharp.Stats/tree/developer/docs) you can navigate to the project folder with a prompt of your choice and use the command `./build watchdocs` - unit tests can be executed via `./build runtests` - 3D example ```fsharp let t = 0.3 let p0 = vector [|1.;1.;1.|] //point 0 that should be traversed let c0 = vector [|1.1;2.1;2.|] //control point 0 let c1 = vector [|3.8;1.6;1.4|] //control point 1 let p1 = vector [|3.;2.;0.|] //point 1 that should be traversed let lerp (p1: vector) (p2: vector) (t: float) = p1 + t * (p2 - p1) let a = lerp p0 c0 t let b = lerp c0 c1 t let c = lerp c1 p1 t let d = lerp a b t let e = lerp b c t let f = lerp d e t let assemble t = let a = lerp p0 c0 t let b = lerp c0 c1 t let c = lerp c1 p1 t let d = lerp a b t let e = lerp b c t let f = lerp d e t f.[0],f.[1],f.[2] let chart = [ Chart.Point3D([p0.[0]],[p0.[1]],[p0.[2]],Name="Point_0",MarkerColor=Color.fromHex "#1f77b4") |> Chart.withMarkerStyle(Size=12) Chart.Point3D([c0.[0]],[c0.[1]],[c0.[2]],Name="Control_0",MarkerColor=Color.fromHex "#ff7f0e")|> Chart.withMarkerStyle(Size=10) Chart.Point3D([c1.[0]],[c1.[1]],[c1.[2]],Name="Control_1",MarkerColor=Color.fromHex "#ff7f0e")|> Chart.withMarkerStyle(Size=10) Chart.Point3D([p1.[0]],[p1.[1]],[p1.[2]],Name="Point_1",MarkerColor=Color.fromHex "#1f77b4") |> Chart.withMarkerStyle(Size=12) Chart.Line3D([p0.[0],p0.[1],p0.[2];c0.[0],c0.[1],c0.[2]],Name="LERP_A",MarkerColor=Color.fromHex "#919191") Chart.Line3D([c0.[0],c0.[1],c0.[2];c1.[0],c1.[1],c1.[2]],Name="LERP_B",MarkerColor=Color.fromHex "#919191") Chart.Line3D([c1.[0],c1.[1],c1.[2];p0.[1],p1.[1],p1.[2]],Name="LERP_C",MarkerColor=Color.fromHex "#919191") Chart.Point3D([a.[0]],[a.[1]],[a.[2]],Name="A_t",MarkerColor=Color.fromHex "#000000") Chart.Point3D([b.[0]],[b.[1]],[b.[2]],Name="B_t",MarkerColor=Color.fromHex "#000000") Chart.Point3D([c.[0]],[c.[1]],[c.[2]],Name="C_t",MarkerColor=Color.fromHex "#000000") Chart.Line3D([a.[0],a.[1],a.[2];b.[0],b.[1],b.[2]],Name="LERP_D",MarkerColor=Color.fromHex "#5d5d5d") Chart.Line3D([b.[0],b.[1],b.[2];c.[0],c.[1],c.[2]],Name="LERP_E",MarkerColor=Color.fromHex "#5d5d5d") Chart.Point3D([d.[0]],[d.[1]],[d.[2]],Name="D_t",MarkerColor=Color.fromHex "#000000") Chart.Point3D([e.[0]],[e.[1]],[e.[2]],Name="E_t",MarkerColor=Color.fromHex "#000000") Chart.Line3D([d.[0],d.[1],d.[2];e.[0],e.[1],e.[2]],Name="LERP_F",MarkerColor=Color.fromHex "#292929") Chart.Point3D([f.[0]],[f.[1]],[f.[2]],Name="F_t",MarkerColor=Color.fromHex "#1f77b4") |> Chart.withMarkerStyle(Size=12) [0. .. 0.01 .. 0.3] |> List.map (fun t -> assemble t) |> Chart.Line3D |> Chart.withTraceInfo "Bezier" |> Chart.withLineStyle(Color=Color.fromHex "#1f77b4",Width=10.) ] |> Chart.combine |> Chart.withTemplate ChartTemplates.lightMirrored |> Chart.show ```
pirrmann commented 9 months ago

I'm interested by this issue, is someone else going to work on that today?