fslaborg / RProvider

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Problems following "Using R provider on Mac and Linux" #143

Closed torbonde closed 9 years ago

torbonde commented 9 years ago

I just followed the "Using R provider on Mac and Linux" page on Mac today, but had a few problems.

The first problem I ran into was that, when running make (or was it autogen? I think it was), git timed out upon trying to clone Lucene.Net. It appears this was caused by my firewall. To fix this, I ran the command git config --global url."https://".insteadOf git://, which ensures that git references repositories by https:// instead of git://. This might be an idea to mention?

I encountered the second problem when I referenced RProvider.fsx. It gave me a warning, and said that RProvider.RProvider threw a FileNotFoundException (or something like that) internally. The reason was that my .rprovider.conf didn't have the correct path. The reason was that the command echo MONO64=$MONO_PREFIX > ~/.rprovider.conf should actually be echo MONO64=$MONO_PREFIX/bin/mono > ~/.rprovider.conf

Other than that, the guide was really easy to follow.

tpetricek commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the feedback!
If you could submit a pull request with a fix, that would be even more amazing :-).

It should be just a matter of modifying the source file for the docs - feel free to add a note about the firewall where it looks appropriate.

torbonde commented 9 years ago

Will do that tomorrow.:)

tpetricek commented 9 years ago

Fixed by #144