fslaborg / RProvider

Access R packages from F#
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RProvider 1.1.17 fails where 1.1.15 works #171

Closed mathias-brandewinder closed 8 years ago

mathias-brandewinder commented 8 years ago

I have R version 3.2.4 Revised (2016-03-16 r70336) -- "Very Secure Dishes" on my machine, running from VS2015 Community. Running the same code with RProvider, 1.1.15 vs 1.1.17, one works, one fails.

This works:

#I @"../packages/"
#r @"R.NET.Community.1.6.4\lib\net40\RDotNet.dll"
#r @"R.NET.Community.FSharp.1.6.4\lib\net40\RDotNet.FSharp.dll"
#r @"RProvider.1.1.15\lib\net40\RProvider.Runtime.dll"
#r @"RProvider.1.1.15\lib\net40\RProvider.dll"

open RProvider
open RProvider.graphics

[1..10] |> R.plot

This fails:

#I @"../packages/"
#r @"R.NET.Community.1.6.5\lib\net40\RDotNet.dll"
#r @"R.NET.Community.FSharp.1.6.5\lib\net40\RDotNet.FSharp.dll"
#r @"RProvider.1.1.17\lib\net40\RProvider.Runtime.dll"
#r @"RProvider.1.1.17\lib\net40\RProvider.dll"

open RProvider
open RProvider.graphics

[1..10] |> R.plot

Error: error FS3053: The type provider 'RProvider.RProvider' reported an error: The type provider constructor has thrown an exception: Failed to start the R.NET server within 20 seconds.To enable logging set RPROVIDER_LOG to an existing file name.

Haven't had time to check the logs yet, but thought I would share. Did something go wrong with version 1.1.17? Obvious workaround is to use RProvider 1.1.15 :)

tpetricek commented 8 years ago

Hmm - and this is happening after removing the "Revised" from the version number in the registry?

If you could share the log, that would be good - without that, it's a bit hard to figure out what's going on (I have the same setup and it works on my machine...).

mathias-brandewinder commented 8 years ago

Yes, re: revised. I'll try to dig into the logs, just will have to wait for a couple of days, too much on my plate right now :)

surban commented 8 years ago

Same problem here with VS2015 Enterprise and same R version. Workaround of using RProvider 1.1.15 also works here.

tpetricek commented 8 years ago

@surban @mathias-brandewinder If one of you can provide a log file, that would be great. Follow the instructions here: http://bluemountaincapital.github.io/FSharpRProvider/diagnostics.html

kevmal commented 8 years ago

The issue seems to be RProvider.Server,exe is expecting FSharp.Core v4.3.0.0 but is bundled with 4.4. My work around has been to just add a config file with a binding redirect.

tpetricek commented 8 years ago

It should be fixed in RProvider 1.1.19-alpha. Can someone please check that the pre-release works? If so, I will release a fixed non-alpha! Thanks!

kevmal commented 8 years ago

RProvider 1.1.19-alpha is working for me.

tpetricek commented 8 years ago

Thanks @kevmal, fixed in non-alpha release 1.1.20!