fslaborg / RProvider

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IPC port error in RProvider ctor #189

Closed SiavashBabaei closed 6 years ago

SiavashBabaei commented 6 years ago

Trying to utilise RProvider results in: ... Failed to read from and IPC Port: The pipe has been ended.

#I @"../packages/RProvider.1.1.13/"
#load "RProvider.fsx"

It was working, and then suddenly it was not ...! Reinstalled R, RStudio, and VS but no effect.


SiavashBabaei commented 6 years ago

Apparently, the version of the R in the Win registry and the R that I connect to in Visual Studio have to be the same. I can now say #load RProvider.fsx and open RProvider.datesets but say I want to do something simple like R.mtcars.Value, then I get: System.Exception: Initialization of R.NET failed ---> System.ApplicationException: Windows Registry key 'SOFTWARE\R-core' not found in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE nor HKEY_CURRENT_USER

I have both Machine Learning Server and R Client installed. The registry keys are there as clear as day ...

tpetricek commented 6 years ago

When installing R, you need to check a checkbox that instructs the installer to put version info into registry - I have never used Microsoft's distribution of R, but the checkbox was there I installed the normal R distribution from: https://cran.r-project.org

SiavashBabaei commented 6 years ago

Thank you ... the issue was that the registry keys appear only in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE after installation. I had to manually create the same keys in HKEY_CURRENT_USER which fixed the issue. By the way, the F# Interactive or/and platform should match the version of R installed on the machine otherwise, we get a whole new set of errors.