fslaborg / flips

Fsharp LInear Programming System
MIT License
251 stars 32 forks source link

Sample code snippet and introduction for the fslab website #174

Open kMutagene opened 2 years ago

kMutagene commented 2 years ago

Hi there, awesome work on this library!

As I will be talking about FsLab next week at .NET Conf: Focus on F#, there might be some new traffic on that page, therefore I extended the introduction parts (click on read more) of the libraries I maintain with some more introductory text and simple code snippets.

The packages page contains flips as well as a part of the fslab toolbox. If you would like to add some text/snippets, the markdown file that renders the flips card is located here (it has just been the project summary for the last months). Here is the same for Plotly.NET as reference.
