Hello, when using Combat, I figured that the same openings are picked given a opening PGN file.
In function get_game_list, the current code stops adding games from the opening file once it has reached the max_round value and only then the random shuffling takes place :
_if file_suffix == '.pgn':
with open(fn) as pgn:
while True:
game = chess.pgn.read_game(pgn)
if game is None:
if len(games) >= max_round:
with open(fn) as pos:
for lines in pos:
line = lines.strip()
board = chess.Board(line)
game = chess.pgn.Game()
game = game.from_board(board)
if len(games) >= maxround:
I've modified it such that the opening file is opened entirely, then the shuffling takes place, and only then the first max_round games are kept:
_if file_suffix == '.pgn':
with open(fn) as pgn:
while True:
game = chess.pgn.read_game(pgn)
if game is None:
with open(fn) as pos:
for lines in pos:
line = lines.strip()
board = chess.Board(line)
game = chess.pgn.Game()
game = game.from_board(board)
if randomize_pos:
elapse = time.perf_counter()*1000000000 - t1
if len(games) < max_round:
logger.info('Number of positions in the file {} are below max_round {}!'.format(len(games),max_round ))
logger.info('status: done, games prepared: {}, elapse: {}\n'.format(len(games), get_time_h_mm_ss_ms(elapse)))
logger.info('maxround: {}, len games maxround: {}\n'.format(max_round, len(games[:max_round])))
return games[:max_round]_
Hello, when using Combat, I figured that the same openings are picked given a opening PGN file.
In function get_game_list, the current code stops adding games from the opening file once it has reached the max_round value and only then the random shuffling takes place :
_if file_suffix == '.pgn': with open(fn) as pgn: while True: game = chess.pgn.read_game(pgn) if game is None: break games.append(game) if len(games) >= max_round: break else: with open(fn) as pos: for lines in pos: line = lines.strip() board = chess.Board(line) game = chess.pgn.Game() game = game.from_board(board) games.append(game) if len(games) >= maxround: break
I've modified it such that the opening file is opened entirely, then the shuffling takes place, and only then the first max_round games are kept:
Hope this will help improve the Combat script.