fsolt / dcpo_gayrights

Dynamic Comparative Public Opinion
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Literature to engage #3

Closed fsolt closed 1 year ago

fsolt commented 2 years ago

Consider "The Evolution of Attitudes on Same-Sex Marriage in the United States, 1988–2014"

Tyhcass commented 2 years ago

A Cross-National Study of the Legality of Homosexual Acts https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0010414012453693

fsolt commented 2 years ago

Tara Gonsalves. 2021. "Transnational Diffusion and Regional Resistance: Domestic LGBT Association Founding, 1979–2009." Social Forces 99(4):1601–1630 UIowa link (Already listed in diffusion piece)

fsolt commented 2 years ago

Public attitudes about emergent issues in LGBTQ rights: Conversion therapy and religious refusals

fsolt commented 2 years ago

Kreitzer RJ, Hamilton AJ, Tolbert CJ. Does Policy Adoption Change Opinions on Minority Rights? The Effects of Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage. Political Research Quarterly. 2014;67(4):795-808

fsolt commented 1 year ago

@sammo3182: attitudes towards homosexuality is a key post-material attitude and therefore is evidence of the extent of modernization of countries (per Inglehart et al.). Even those who are not super-interested in the exact topic should be interested on these grounds, i.e., human flourishing per Welzel. See also the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (or other IO output) regarding human rights and similar.

hey-ikon commented 1 year ago

** policy/political decisions & public opinion

** across time and space

** dimensions

** diffusion

** related to other DCPO project?

** miscellaneous

hey-ikon commented 1 year ago

notes We should be explicit about what questions we are including to create latent variable. For instance, Table 1 in Public Attitudes toward Homosexuality and Gay Rights across Time and Countries there are more questions we are not including in the data -- because 'assessment of situation' and 'attitude' are different.

fsolt commented 1 year ago

Farther afield, but interesting (and new): Jones, Philip Edward (2022). "Respectability Politics and Straight Support for LGB Rights." Political Research Quarterly, 75(4), 935–949.

fsolt commented 1 year ago

Girard, Tyler. (2021). "Reconciling the Theoretical and Empirical Study of International Norms: A New Approach to Measurement." American Political Science Review, 115(1), 331-338.

Tyhcass commented 1 year ago

Encarnación, O. G. (2022). Latin America's Abortion Rights Breakthrough. Journal of Democracy, 33(4), 89-103. abstract: In recent years, Latin America has experienced an abortion-rights breakthrough that stands in striking contrast to the wave of criminalization of abortion afoot in the United States. It also ended some of the world's most draconian abortion bans. At the root of this breakthrough is the framing of abortion not as an issue of personal choice but as a human-rights matter. This strategy, borrowed from previous campaigns for equality and justice in Latin America—especially the struggle for same-sex marriage—capitalized on the resonance of human rights in Latin American politics and society in the postauthoritarian era.