fsolt / diffusion_migration

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Review lit on opinion diffusion #3

Open fsolt opened 2 years ago

fsolt commented 2 years ago

particularly stuff that includes policy. @byngdeuk lists a few opinion-and-policy diffusion studies at https://github.com/fsolt/diffusion_tolerance/issues/2#issuecomment-937380691

fsolt commented 2 years ago

interesting (though possibly not relevant): Johannes Urpelainen and Alice Tianbo Zhang. 2022. "Electoral Backlash or Positive Reinforcement? Wind Power and Congressional Elections in the United States." Journal of Politics

Tyhcass commented 2 years ago

Alesina, A., Miano, A., & Stantcheva, S. (2018). Immigration and redistribution (No. w24733). National Bureau of Economic Research. This paper provides an interesting perspective on public opinion toward immigrants and redistribution.