fsphil / hacktv

Analogue TV transmitter for the HackRF
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-ffopts syntax potential issue #111

Open michaspie8 opened 2 months ago

michaspie8 commented 2 months ago
*If I'm talking nonsense, then I apologize, but I'm not that proficient in these matters.*

The --ffopts option requires writing subsequent options and values in the form of [option1]=[value1]: [option2]=[value2], etc...

The problem is that (I may be wrong, I don't know how to check) I have the impression that when I choose options like c:v=h264_nvenc, the program thinks rather about -c -v h264_nvenc than about -c:v h264_nvenc. Similarly with '=', if a value contains an equal sign, it might not work correctly.

How should I deal with this? Does the code anticipate such a situation? Should I write these commands, for example, like "c:v"=h264_nvenc or c\:v=h264_nvenc?

I'm sorry I didn't look at the code, but I'm at a level of understanding code where I could actually figure it out, but it would take a lot of time, and if I found a problem and fixed it, I definitely wouldn't compile it myself just to see how it works, because I only have Windows (I tried and installing libraries was a torment for me and I couldn't get out of it), alternatively I would use Tails Linux from a USB, although it would still be quite difficult. Thanks in advance for your help!

michaspie8 commented 2 months ago

Well, I was wrong it was just my imagination idk xd

fsphil commented 2 months ago

Can you describe what you're trying to do?

03stevensmi commented 1 month ago

Can you describe what you're trying to do?

Something quite important for me but for a different reason to answer your question Phil, What he's trying to do Phil, is He's trying to encode a file with --ffopts using hacktv instead of just having the option to choice format "--ffmt" (I'll get I to how that would be important to me in a bit.)

From looking at his examples, it looks like he wants to use hacktv to play his videos with nvenc (gpu encoding).

So basically, he is asking if a command like "--ffopts "c:v=h264_nvenc" would work or not. And if it does work, can "c:v=h264_nvenc" be used, or would it need to be something like "--ffopts "-c:v h264_nvenc".

For me, this would be helpful with my analogue capture card! I have to mess around with piping with ffmpeg and it can be a bit fiddley sometimes.

If I use --ffmt v4l2 with --ffopts "framerate=25" I get no sound. So I have to combine the video and audio from v4l2 with pulseaudio to mkv, avi or mpegts by piping and messing around just to get sound from my capture card to hacktv.

So for me, I would honestly too would like to know if hacktv's --ffopts feature would support or work with Something like: hacktv -o fl2k -m pal-fm --ffmt mpegts --ffopts "-f v4l2 -framerate 25 -vcodec h264_nvenc -acodec aac" ffmpeg:"[VIDEO FROM v4l2] -i [AUDIO FROM pulseaudio]"

fsphil commented 1 month ago

That'll be a no then. --ffopts is used to pass options to the format selected with --ffmt. You can see an example of some here: https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-formats.html