fsprojects-archive / zzarchive-ApiaryProvider

[ARCHIVED] Type provider for Apiary.io
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Don't bundle FSharp.Data.DesignTime.dll #3

Open ovatsus opened 10 years ago

ovatsus commented 10 years ago

Use an assemblyresolver in the ApiaryProvider.fs file before the constructor to resolve into the nuget packages folder

As it is, it will probably cause problems if there's a version mismatch between what was bundled and the version of FSharp.Data that is being used from NuGet

andybrackley commented 10 years ago

Would this cause the build issue I'm getting described here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/23909700/cant-build-an-f-project-using-the-apiarytypeprovider-fsharp-data-designtime-c?

ovatsus commented 10 years ago

No, it's a different issue. You're problem is because you have two different versions of FSharp.Data in use in the project. We need to fix FSharp.Data to allow that, but thw workaround is to edit your packages.config to make sure you have 2.0.7, restart VS and build