fsprojects-archive / zzarchive-VisualFSharpPowerTools

[ARCHIVED] Power commands for F# in Visual Studio
Apache License 2.0
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Although Outlining is turned off, some parts of the code appear outlined. #1460

Closed urbanhop closed 7 years ago

urbanhop commented 7 years ago

This is weird. I turned Outlining off (and disabled any other Outlining tools for F#). Still, some parts of the code, like DU cases or if-blocks, but only some and not many, appear collapsed. I toggled F# Power Tools several times on and off and am sure it is the culprit.

dungpa commented 7 years ago

Turning off outlining doesn't have immediate effects. After you close and reopen the files, outlining shouldn't appear anymore. I think VFPT is no-op wrt outlining after outlining is disabled.

Is that the behaviour you observed as well?

urbanhop commented 7 years ago

Certainly I restarted VS between switching (and testing the wrong behavior). Outlined is switched off since weeks but I still encounter outlining. Maybe I find the time to contribute and fix this. Just thought others could add observations, hints or tips.

agreed this is minor + thx to all contributors

cloudRoutine commented 7 years ago

the spans get stored in the .vs user directory with other user specific solution data. If you delete that they should go away. I'm not sure how to clear that stuff from the VS API

urbanhop commented 7 years ago

bingo! thx a lot @cloudRoutine .

deleted .vs and outlines are gone. solved for me.

maybe, upon package / option loading, span-state should be deleted if outlining is turned off. leave it to the contributors to reopen in case.