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FSharp.Data.Xsd #13

Closed giacomociti closed 7 years ago

giacomociti commented 7 years ago

hello, can I transfer FSharp.Data.Xsd?

sergey-tihon commented 7 years ago

I've sent you an invitation to fsprojects-transfer org, plz accept it and transfer repo there, then I will complete the transfer to fsprojects.

sergey-tihon commented 7 years ago

Sorry @giacomociti, I missed somehow the moment when you moved the repository. The transition to fsprojects is done, so please follow the steps from onboarding process: update readme, link to the site, nuget package owners and etc.

Thank you @giacomociti !

giacomociti commented 7 years ago

Thanks, I'll do the onboarding steps in a couple of weeks since right now I'm on holidays without my laptop.

sergey-tihon commented 7 years ago

Have a nice holidays!

giacomociti commented 7 years ago

Hi @sergey-tihon , I think I did my onboarding duty, although: fsprojects is still pending approval on NuGet I can't fix the link in the repo description (no Edit button in sight, I hope_ you can do it) The Travis build is failing and I'm afraid it has to do with a recent update to Mono 5.0

sergey-tihon commented 7 years ago

fsprojects is still pending approval on NuGet

As I know, @dsyme is the only owner of this account now. So we need to ask him gently here to approve all pending requests.

I can't fix the link in the repo description (no Edit button in sight, I hope_ you can do it)

I did it and hopefully fixed your permissions as well

The Travis build is failing and I'm afraid it has to do with a recent update to Mono 5.0

Yes, looks like a known issues, you uses old version on FAKE that does not play nicely on Mono 5.0, could you please update it to the latest version of FAKE?

dsyme commented 6 years ago

M y apologies, have been on vacation

@giacomociti fsprojects is now an approved owner on nuget.

Anything else you need?


giacomociti commented 6 years ago

Thanks a lot @sergey-tihon and @dsyme . I think the only issue left is the Travis build although it is not related to the migration to fsprojects (but of course any help is highly appreciated). I would appreciate also any kind of advice on the roadmap for this project: is it worth to start diverging from the code cloned from F# Data? You know this is just a thin wrapper around the XML type provider of F# Data (it's been also submitted as a PR but I'm afraid it won't be merged). Modifying some of the underlying code may help to implement a few minor improvements, especially related to simple data types. Personally I'm not sure this is worth the trouble.