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Notes on switching to .NET Core tooling in "fsprojects" repos #18

Closed dsyme closed 2 years ago

dsyme commented 5 years ago

Let's use this issue to document how to switch to .NET-Core based tooling in "fsprojects" repos. A good measure of this is if "mono" is no longer required in the repo at all (except maybe for testing)

.NET Core Paket

Typical commands to acquire and run paket:

dotnet tool install paket --tool-path .paket
.paket\paket restore


dotnet tool install fake-cli --tool-path .fake --version 5.12.6
.fake\fake run build.fsx

Switching to FAKE 5

Many "fsprojects" repos use FAKE 4. See https://fake.build/fake-migrate-to-fake-5.html

At top of build.fsx you'll need this:

#r @"paket:
source https://nuget.org/api/v2
framework netstandard2.0
nuget Fake.Core.Target
nuget Fake.Core.ReleaseNotes
nuget Fake.DotNet.Cli
nuget Fake.DotNet.AssemblyInfoFile
nuget Fake.Tools.Git //"

#if !FAKE
#load "./.fake/build.fsx/intellisense.fsx"
#r "netstandard" // Temp fix for https://github.com/fsharp/FAKE/issues/1985


Typical opens:

open Fake 
open Fake.Core.TargetOperators
open Fake.Core 
open Fake.Tools.Git
open Fake.DotNet
open Fake.IO
open Fake.IO.Globbing.Operators
open System
open System.IO

Typical code changes. When in doubt search for the old identifier in FAKE repository source

open Fake.Git    --> open Fake.Tools.Git
open Fake.ReleaseNotesHelper --> remove

parseReleaseNotes --> ReleaseNotes.parse  (open Fake.Core)
Target  --> Target.create   (open Fake.Core)
CreateFSharpAssemblyInfo --> AssemblyInfoFile.createFSharp  (open Fake.DotNet)
Attribute.Title --> AssemblyInfo.Title (open Fake.DotNet)
CleanDirs --> Shell.cleanDirs  (open Fake.IO)
!! -->   open Fake.IO.Globbing.Operators
Paket.Pack --> Paket.pack (open Fake.DotNet.Paket)
toLines --> String.toLines
fullclean --> Repository.fullclean  (open Fake.Tools.Git)
copyRecursive --> Shell.copyRecursive
stageAll --> Staging.stageAll
commit --> Commit.exec
DoNothing --> ignore
tracefn --> Trace.tracefn
RunTargetOrDefault --> Target.runOrDefault

Things with no alternative:


Other notes:

let paketToolPath = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ + (if Environment.isWindows then "\\.paket\\paket.exe" else "/.paket/paket")

Target.create "NuGet" (fun _ ->
    Paket.pack (fun p -> 
        printfn "p.ToolPath = %A" p.ToolPath
        { p with 
            ToolPath = paketToolPath
        .... })

Typical build.cmd and build.sh

Each repo normally has a build.cmd and build.fsx that first acquire FAKE and Paket:


@echo off
dotnet tool install fake-cli --tool-path .fake --version 5.12.6

dotnet tool install paket --tool-path .paket

.paket\paket.exe restore
if errorlevel 1 (
  exit /b %errorlevel%

.fake\fake.exe run build.fsx %*


if test "$OS" = "Windows_NT"
  cmd /C build.cmd
  dotnet tool install fake-cli --tool-path .fake --version 5.12.6
  dotnet tool install paket --tool-path .paket

  .paket/paket restore
  if [ $exit_code -ne 0 ]; then
    exit $exit_code

 .fake/fake run build.fsx $@

Generating .NET Framework binaries without having Mono installed

Use this netfx.props - updated so it doesn't need Mono: https://github.com/fsprojects/FsLexYacc/blob/2f9f06a1fe327e2c334abc6b76b60cce697b78d2/netfx.props

If your project contains .EXE tools

Projects such as FsLexYacc include binary tools in their output nuget packages, and a targets file to use these

  1. Add a "publish" step, e.g.

    dotnet public -c Release -f netcoreapp2.0 src\FsLex\fslex.fsproj

  2. Include the binaries in the nuget package, e.g.

    ../src/FsLex/bin/Release/net46/publish ==> build/fslex/net46 ../src/FsLex/bin/Release/netcoreapp2.0/publish ==> build/fslex/netcoreapp2.0 ../src/FsYacc/bin/Release/net46/publish ==> build/fsyacc/net46 ../src/FsYacc/bin/Release/netcoreapp2.0/publish ==> build/fsyacc/netcoreapp2.0

  3. Adjust the targets to start the right binary using the right runner, e.g.

        <FsLexToolPath Condition="'$(FsLexToolPath)' == '' AND '$(MSBuildRuntimeType)'!='Core'">$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)/fslex/net46</FsLexToolPath>
        <FsLexToolExe Condition="'$(FsLexToolExe)' == '' AND '$(MSBuildRuntimeType)'!='Core'">fslex.exe</FsLexToolExe>
        <FsLexYaccToolRunner Condition="'$(UseFsLexYaccToolRunner)' != 'false' AND '$(FsLexYaccToolRunner)' == '' AND '$(MSBuildRuntimeType)'!='Core' AND '$(OS)' == 'Unix'">mono </FsLexYaccToolRunner>

        <FsLexToolPath Condition="'$(FsLexToolPath)' == '' AND '$(MSBuildRuntimeType)'=='Core'">$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)/fslex/netcoreapp2.0</FsLexToolPath>
        <FsLexToolExe Condition="'$(FsLexToolExe)' == '' AND '$(MSBuildRuntimeType)'=='Core'">fslex.dll</FsLexToolExe>
        <FsLexYaccToolRunner Condition="'$(UseFsLexYaccToolRunner)' != 'false' AND '$(FsLexYaccToolRunner)' == '' AND '$(MSBuildRuntimeType)'=='Core'">dotnet </FsLexYaccToolRunner>

        <Exec Command="$(FsLexYaccToolRunner)&quot;$(FsLexToolPath)\$(FsLexToolExe)&quot;  -o &quot;$(FsLexOutputFolder)%(FsLex.Filename).fs&quot; %(FsLex.OtherFlags) %(FsLex.Identity)"/>

Documentation generation



  1. switch to docsrc and docs for github pages, e.g. see the revised ProjectScaffold

  2. Get rid of generate.fsx and move to structure similar to ProjectScaffold doc generation

  3. If still using generate.fsx then make sure generate.fsx is not a FAKE script and only generate docs using Windows. If necessary manually generate docs using fsi docsrc\generate.fsx rather than doing it from FAKE 5



Building net4x libraries



dsyme commented 5 years ago

A quick update: I managed to remove mono from FsLexYacc, though documentation generation still requires the generation of .NET 4.x binaries.

baronfel commented 5 years ago

Came across this project today that might be a way forward with documentation generation: https://twitter.com/dbrattli/status/1119488973133377536?s=19

Integrating with Sphinx might be easier overall than maintaining our own.

dsyme commented 2 years ago

Closing old issue :)