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fsprojects NuGet account #6

Closed sergey-tihon closed 9 years ago

sergey-tihon commented 9 years ago

Dear Maintainers,

Recently we created new NuGet account fsprojects that is owned by @fsprojects/owners group (that have a full control over all fsprojects organization)

The goals of this account are:

This account will not be used for publishing new version of the package.

If you are agree with goals, please feel free to add fsprojects to owners list of your fsprojects's packages. @theburningmonk @ovatsus @colinbull @forki @luajalla @ptrelford @nelak @lasandell @panesofglass @dmitry-a-morozov @jbtule @dsevastianov @mavnn @ReedCopsey @duckmatt @mausch @kimsk @dmohl @dtchepak @pezipink

Current state:

mavnn commented 9 years ago

Added to FSharp.TypeProviders.StarterPack

colinbull commented 9 years ago

Added Cricket.

sergey-tihon commented 9 years ago

Thanks! If you have any objections please mention them here.

ovatsus commented 9 years ago

Added ApiaryProvider

dtchepak commented 9 years ago

Added to RegexProvider.

lasandell commented 9 years ago

Added to FSharp.ComProvider.

dmitry-a-morozov commented 9 years ago


FSharp.Data.SqlClient FSharp.Desktop.UI Tamarin

On Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 9:42 PM, Sergey Tihon notifications@github.com wrote:

Dear Maintainers,

Recently we created new NuGet account fsprojects https://www.nuget.org/profiles/fsprojects that is owned by @fsprojects/owners https://github.com/orgs/fsprojects/teams/owners group (that have a full control over all fsprojects https://github.com/fsprojects organization)

The goals of this account are:

  • be sure that we are able to restore access to packages in the case of emergency
  • to have a backup account that can take over in case some important package is not maintained

This account will not be used for publishing new version of the package.

If you are agree with the goals, please feel free to add fsprojects https://www.nuget.org/profiles/fsprojects to owners list of your fsprojects's packages. @theburningmonk https://github.com/theburningmonk @ovatsus https://github.com/ovatsus @colinbull https://github.com/colinbull @forki https://github.com/forki @luajalla https://github.com/luajalla @ptrelford https://github.com/ptrelford @nelak https://github.com/nelak @lasandell https://github.com/lasandell @panesofglass https://github.com/panesofglass @dmitry-a-morozov https://github.com/dmitry-a-morozov @jbtule https://github.com/jbtule @dsevastianov https://github.com/dsevastianov @mavnn https://github.com/mavnn @ReedCopsey @duckmatt https://github.com/duckmatt @mausch https://github.com/mausch @kimsk https://github.com/kimsk @dmohl https://github.com/dmohl @dtchepak https://github.com/dtchepak @pezipink https://github.com/pezipink

Current state:

  • Amazon.CloudWatch.Selector
  • Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Extensions
  • ApiaryProvider
  • Cricket
  • DynamicsCRMProvider
  • DynamicsNAVProvider
  • DynamoDb.SQL
  • ExcelFinancialFunctions
  • ExcelProvider
  • Filbert
  • Foogle.Charts
  • Foq
  • FsBlog
  • FSharp.Collections.ParallelSeq
  • FSharp.Compatibility
  • FSharp.Compiler.CodeDom
  • FSharp.ComProvider
  • FSharp.Configuration
  • FSharp.Control.Reactive
  • FSharp.Data.DbPedia
  • FSharp.Data.Experimental.XenomorphProvider
  • FSharp.Data.HiveProvider
  • FSharp.Data.SqlClient
  • FSharp.Data.Toolbox
  • FSharp.Desktop.UI
  • FSharp.Dynamic
  • FSharp.Linq.ComposableQuery
  • FSharp.Management
  • FSharp.Numerics.FuzzyIntervals
  • FSharp.Quotations.Evaluator
  • FSharp.TypeProviders.StarterPack
  • FSharp.ViewModule
  • FSharpLint
  • fsharpx
  • FSharpx.Collections
  • FsLexYacc
  • FsReveal
  • FsUnit
  • GraphProvider
  • Paket
  • RegexProvider
  • S3Provider
  • SQLProvider
  • Tamarin
  • FnuPlot

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/fsprojects/FsProjectsAdmin/issues/6.

ReedCopsey commented 9 years ago

Added to FsXaml and FSharp.ViewModule

sergey-tihon commented 9 years ago

@ReedCopsey Sorry, but I cannot confirm package ownership for 'FsXaml.Wpf'. Could you please share it once again? Thank you.

ReedCopsey commented 9 years ago

@sergey-tihon Done.

forki commented 9 years ago


theburningmonk commented 9 years ago

Added to:

sergey-tihon commented 9 years ago

Thank you everyone!!! We are almost done, only 5 projects left @ptrelford @nelak @jbtule @dsevastianov @dmohl

dsevastianov commented 9 years ago

Added to FSharp.Numerics.FuzzyIntervals

albertjan commented 9 years ago

added to oxen

isaacabraham commented 9 years ago

Added FSharp.Azure.StorageTypeProvider

jbtule commented 9 years ago

Added FSharp.Interop.Dynamic

sergey-tihon commented 9 years ago

@forki @pblasucci could you please share https://www.nuget.org/packages/Chessie ? @dtchepak could you please share https://www.nuget.org/packages/FSharp.Text.RegexProvider/ ?

pblasucci commented 9 years ago

Seems it's already pending approval for Chessie.

sergey-tihon commented 9 years ago

Sorry, by share I mean to add fsproject account to the list of owners of Chessie. I do not see pending requests...

forki commented 9 years ago

pretty sure there is a bug in the nuget gallery. added you again: image

dtchepak commented 9 years ago

Done! Sorry, forgot that step when i moved the project.

On Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 8:32 PM, Sergey Tihon notifications@github.com wrote:

@forki https://github.com/forki @pblasucci https://github.com/pblasucci could you please share https://www.nuget.org/packages/Chessie ? @dtchepak https://github.com/dtchepak could you please share https://www.nuget.org/packages/FSharp.Text.RegexProvider/ ?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/fsprojects/FsProjectsAdmin/issues/6#issuecomment-107391973 .

sergey-tihon commented 9 years ago

Thanks to everyone! It seems that we are done for now. :sparkles: