fsprojects / Avalonia.FuncUI

Develop cross-plattform GUI Applications using F# and Avalonia!
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AvaloniaSplashActivity not available #417

Closed Ecsodikas closed 2 months ago

Ecsodikas commented 2 months ago

Hi everyone,

I was playing around with FuncUI and I am really happy with it. The problem I encountered was when I tried to deploy my app for Android. I pretty much copy & pasted the templates and my problem is in this file SplashActivity.fs. For some reason there is no AvaloniaSplashActivity.

error FS0039: The type 'AvaloniaSplashActivity' is not defined. Maybe you want one of the following:   AvaloniaMainActivity [/home/ecsodikas/Repositories/Nachruf/Nachruf.Android/Nachruf.Android.fsproj]

It runs flawlessly on the desktop build.

The complete file looks like this:

namespace Nachruf.Android

open Android.App
open Android.Content
open Android.Net
open Avalonia.Android
open Avalonia.Android;

type Application = Android.App.Application

[<Activity(Theme = "@style/MyTheme.Splash", MainLauncher = true, NoHistory = true)>]
type SplashActivity() =
    inherit AvaloniaSplashActivity<Nachruf.App>()

    override this.CustomizeAppBuilder builder =
        Nachruf.About.urlOpen <-
            fun url ->
                    (new Intent(Intent.ActionView, Uri.Parse url))
                        .SetFlags(ActivityFlags.ClearTop ||| ActivityFlags.NewTask)

        base.CustomizeAppBuilder builder

    override this.OnResume() =
        this.StartActivity(new Intent(Application.Context, typeof<MainActivity>))

and the fsproj file looks like this:

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">


  <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)'=='Release'">
      <!-- https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/79910 -->

      <PackageReference Include="Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat" Version="" />
      <PackageReference Include="Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel" Version="" />
      <PackageReference Include="Avalonia.Android" Version="$(AvaloniaVersion)" />
      <ProjectReference Include="..\Nachruf\Nachruf.fsproj" />

      <None Include="Properties\AndroidManifest.xml" />
      <AndroidResource Include="Icon.png">
      <AndroidResource Include="Resources\**\*" />
      <Compile Include="MainActivity.fs" />
      <Compile Include="SplashActivity.fs" />


Is there some documentation where the AvaloniaSplashActivity has gone or what replaced it? Thanks in advance!

Numpsy commented 2 months ago

I haven't tried it myself, but it looks like AvaloniaSplashActivity was folded into AvaloniaMainActivity in https://github.com/AvaloniaUI/Avalonia/pull/11854

The current Avalonia Android template looks to be using MainActivity directly - https://github.com/AvaloniaUI/avalonia-dotnet-templates/blob/c9fa33d8dcc5d551c0a4aff7279701b0e614be10/templates/fsharp/xplat/AvaloniaTest.Android/Activities.fs#L16

JaggerJo commented 2 months ago

I'm closing this - reach out if this is still an issue.