fsprojects / AzureStorageTypeProvider

An F# Azure Type Provider which can be used to explore Blob, Table and Queue Azure Storage assets and easily apply CRUD operations on them.
The Unlicense
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Move to fsprojects? #49

Closed dsyme closed 9 years ago

dsyme commented 9 years ago

Hi @isaacabraham

Would you be interested in moving this to http://github.com/fsprojects? I don't mind either way but moving can raise visibility and a few other benefits like that.

thanks! don

isaacabraham commented 9 years ago

Yes, sure - what's the process that I should follow to move it in there?

dsyme commented 9 years ago

You are now an owner on https://github.com/fsprojects-transfer/, please transfer the repo to that organization. @sergey-tihon or the @fsgit account will then complete the transfer to https://github.com/fsprojects/ and set you up with full admin rights on the repo. GitHub should look after forwarding the links to the repo automagically.

dsyme commented 9 years ago


isaacabraham commented 9 years ago


sergey-tihon commented 9 years ago

@isaacabraham Congrats! The next step is to share ownership of NuGet package?

isaacabraham commented 9 years ago


sergey-tihon commented 9 years ago

Thank you