fsprojects / Chessie

Railway-oriented programming for .NET
The Unlicense
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Added support for C# source inclusion #25

Open gsscoder opened 8 years ago

gsscoder commented 8 years ago

Hi there, thanks for sharing this wonderful library. I've also appreciated C# extension methods, but I think (personal opinion) that some C# developer could prefer including Result<TSuccess,TMessage> directly at source level (without referencing an assembly).

For this reason I've ported your work to C# native implementation. I've skipped async part, since is mainly for computation expressions and in C# Task<Result<TSucc,TMsg>> will suffice.

This is the link to the project: https://github.com/gsscoder/railwaysharp. (I've also included test code from your project).

Feel free to do with it whatever you want...

Regards, Giacomo

gsscoder commented 8 years ago

Work made to make it more C#-ish: https://github.com/gsscoder/railwaysharp/blob/master/src/RailwaySharp/ErrorHandling.cs:

Next step:

R. Giacomo