fsprojects / FAKE

FAKE - F# Make
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Update `Fake.DotNet.FSFormatting` module #2646

Closed yazeedobaid closed 1 year ago

yazeedobaid commented 2 years ago


Currently, the FSFormatting module in FAKE depends on an old version of FSharp.Formatting. FSFormatting has been converted to a dotnet tool and has some API changes as I found. The Fake.DotNet.FSFormatting module supports version ~4. However, FSFormatting is now on version 14.

The update needs work on FAKE website since FAKE uses this module to generate the website.

The update of the module involves the following areas (please let me know if I'm missing anything else):

  1. Updating the module itself, Fake.DotNet.FSFormatting.
  2. Adding FSharp.Formatting as a dotnet tool for FAKE repository.
  3. Updating FAKE build.fsx script to use the new module.
  4. The website generation needs to do the following:
    • It needs to parse markdown files, documentation pages.
    • It needs to generate API docs from DLLs for FAKE 5 and FAKE 4.
    • Handle Redirect links. For redirecting from FAKE v4 pages to FAKE v5 pages.
    • Handle /// [omit] comment in code to not generate documentation for the function or module that has this comment above it.
    • Updating links of old FAKE repository location (fsharp/fake) to (fsprojects/fake).
    • Add edit button to documentation pages.
    • Any general enhancements on the docs.
  5. Remove the installation of netcore 3.1 in FAKE GitHub actions since they were added to support it.
yazeedobaid commented 1 year ago

Released in 6.0.0-beta001