fsprojects / FAKE

FAKE - F# Make
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Test `Fake.Core.IntegrationTests/no dependencies hello world and casing #2314` is flaky in macOS's CI lane #2671

Closed knocte closed 2 years ago

knocte commented 2 years ago


It seems there is an integration test that in macOS fails sometimes; which might lead to potential contributors (e.g. me) falsely assume that their change in an upcoming PR is wrong.

Repro steps

  1. Fork FAKE
  2. Enable GitHubActions in your fork.
  3. Push empty commit to release/next branch to your fork.
  4. Watch GitHubActions CI run.

Expected behavior

It should be green.

Actual behavior

MacOS sometimes fails.

Related information

Proof: https://github.com/knocte/FAKE/commits/release/next

yazeedobaid commented 2 years ago

I managed to fix the issue by clearing the GitHub actions cache for the repository. The occurrences of this error have been on the FAKE official repo and yours. Other forks didn't have this error.

You need first to list the actions caches by hitting this API and then call the delete API by Key or Id
