fsprojects / FAKE

FAKE - F# Make
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GitHubCI: stop restricting build+test jobs to release/next branch #2673

Closed knocte closed 1 year ago

knocte commented 2 years ago

It is better to let contributors to FAKE run their proposed changes in GitHubCI before they propose a PR. (Without this, they wouldn't know if their changes break tests until they propose a PR.)

mclark1129 commented 2 years ago

Just a note here, you can certainly run the workflows on your own fork if needed. That was how I managed to get around waiting on an approval for every change I made. https://github.com/mclark1129/FAKE/pull/3

knocte commented 2 years ago

@mclark1129 the branch you used for your PR was called release/next, that's why the workflows ran in your fork.

But the typical thing a contributor does after forking a project is creating a branch with a name that represents the thing they will work on, not having to stick to the same branch name as the original project (this way they can work on different things too and open more than 1 PR).

@yazeedobaid ping?

yazeedobaid commented 2 years ago

Hi thanks for the PR Could you please rebase your branch from release/next? Now that the build has been fixed.

knocte commented 2 years ago

Could you please rebase your branch from release/next?
