fsprojects / FAKE

FAKE - F# Make
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Fake.Core.Process: stop using old ref-cell operators #2674

Closed knocte closed 2 years ago

knocte commented 2 years ago

The new version of the F# compiler now flags these occurrences as deprecated.

The messages are of two kinds:

1) info FS3370: The use of ':=' from the F# library is deprecated. See https://aka.ms/fsharp-refcell-ops. For example, please change 'cell := expr' to 'cell.Value <- expr'.

2) info FS3370: The use of '!' from the F# library is deprecated. See https://aka.ms/fsharp-refcell-ops. For example, please change '!cell' to 'cell.Value'.

knocte commented 2 years ago

Oops, CI was failing because I made a typo (forgot a <- operator) in one line. Fixed. CI should be green now.

yazeedobaid commented 2 years ago

Hi thanks for the PR Could you please rebase your branch from release/next? Now that the build has been fixed.

knocte commented 2 years ago

Could you please rebase your branch from release/next?


yazeedobaid commented 2 years ago

Can you please check if other parts of the FAKE repo have usage for these operators and replace them the same way? If it is a lot of work, I'm ok with merging this PR, and then we can open an issue to track other parts and merge them in small chunks. Or in this PR. Whatever works best for you.

knocte commented 2 years ago
% grep ":=" -ri . | grep -v legacy | grep -v Binary
./src/app/Fake.Runtime/YaafFSharpScripting.fs:          __hook := obj
./src/app/Fake.Runtime/YaafFSharpScripting.fs:                  isDisposed := true }
./src/app/Fake.Runtime/YaafFSharpScripting.fs:                  isDisposed := true }
./src/app/Fake.Runtime/YaafFSharpScripting.fs:              properEndLine := false
./src/app/Fake.Runtime/YaafFSharpScripting.fs:              properEndLine := true
./src/app/Fake.Runtime/ScriptRunner.fs:    //__hook := execContext
./src/app/Fake.Runtime/LegacyApiHelper.fs:let ofRef r = { Set = (fun v -> r := v); Get = (fun () -> !r) }
./src/app/Fake.DotNet.FxCop/FxCop.fs:      Item "/ruleset:=%s" param.CustomRuleset
./src/app/Fake.IO.FileSystem/Path.fs:            resultPath := !resultPath + directorySeparator + ".."
./src/app/Fake.IO.FileSystem/Path.fs:            baseLocation := Path.GetDirectoryName !baseLocation
./src/app/Fake.IO.FileSystem/Path.fs:                baseLocation := (!baseLocation).Substring(0, (!baseLocation).Length - 1)
./src/app/Fake.IO.FileSystem/Path.fs:        := (!resultPath + targetLocation.Substring((!baseLocation).Length)) 
./src/app/Fake.IO.FileSystem/ChangeWatcher.fs:                    unNotifiedChanges := []
./src/app/Fake.IO.FileSystem/ChangeWatcher.fs:                        runningHandlers := true
./src/app/Fake.IO.FileSystem/ChangeWatcher.fs:                        runningHandlers := false )
./src/app/Fake.IO.FileSystem/ChangeWatcher.fs:                  unNotifiedChanges := fileChange :: !unNotifiedChanges
./src/app/Fake.IO.FileSystem/Shell.fs:                i := !i + 1
./src/app/Fake.JavaScript.Npm/Npm.fs:            if exitCode <> 0 then result := Some(sprintf "exit code: %d" exitCode)
./src/app/Fake.JavaScript.Npm/Npm.fs:            if not (isNull exn.InnerException) then message := !message + Environment.NewLine + exn.InnerException.Message
./src/app/Fake.JavaScript.Npm/Npm.fs:            result := Some(!message)
./src/app/Fake.IO.Zip/Zip.fs:        length := !length - (int64 count)
./src/app/Fake.Core.CommandLineParsing/docopt.fs/Docopt/OptionsParser.fs:        lastOpt := Some opt
./src/app/Fake.Core.Process/InternalStreams.fs:                    first := false
./src/app/Fake.Core.Process/InternalStreams.fs:                        closed := true } |> Async.Start
./src/app/Fake.Core.Process/InternalStreams.fs:        //                current := next
./src/app/Fake.Core.Process/InternalStreams.fs:                            closeRead :=
./src/app/Fake.Core.Process/InternalStreams.fs:                                    streamFinished := true
./src/app/Fake.Core.Process/InternalStreams.fs:                    closeRead := true
./src/app/Fake.Core.Process/Process.fs:                              traced := true
./src/app/Fake.Core.Process/Process.fs:            messages := { IsError = isError
./src/app/Fake.Core.Process/GuardedAwaitObservable.fs:        let setRemover r = lock removeLock (fun () -> removeObj := Some r)
./src/app/Fake.Core.Process/GuardedAwaitObservable.fs:                    removeObj := None
./src/test/Fake.Core.UnitTests/Fake.DotNet.FxCop.fs:                    wrap "/ruleset:=" p.CustomRuleset

Seems like a lot of work to me, I'd prefer if other contributor finishes it.

yazeedobaid commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the PR, other places that use old ref-cell operators are replaced in v6 branch.