fsprojects / FAKE

FAKE - F# Make
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Add GitHub API to create a pull request. #2724

Closed yazeedobaid closed 1 year ago

yazeedobaid commented 1 year ago


This PR adds a new API to GitHub module to create a pull request on a repository. The API usage is as follows:

let pullRequest = new PullRequest("Bump FAKE runner version", "version-branch", "master")

GitHub.createClientWithToken token
|> GitHub.createPullRequest "fsprojects" "fake" pullRequest
|> Async.RunSynchronously

Also, in the FAKE's build script, this API is used to open a new branch with the FAKE runner version bumped to the newest one after a release. Before this, the build script pushes directly to the master branch. However, this is no longer possible since the master branch is now protected and needs a PR when merging changes to it.