fsprojects / FAKE

FAKE - F# Make
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Fake.DotNet.Fsdocs watch command missing arguments. #2736

Closed TheAngryByrd closed 1 year ago

TheAngryByrd commented 1 year ago


👋 Started using the new FsDocs module and seems like some arguments are missing in the watch.

Parameters as of 17.2.3

dotnet fsdocs watch --help
fsdocs 17.2.3
Copyright 2014

  --noserver            (Default: false) Do not serve content when watching.

  --nolaunch            (Default: false) Do not launch a browser window.

  --open                (Default: ) URL extension to launch http://localhost:<port>/%s.

  --port                (Default: 8901) Port to serve content for http://localhost serving.

  --input               (Default: docs) Input directory of documentation content.

  --projects            Project files to build API docs for outputs, defaults to all packable projects.

  --output              Output Folder (default 'output' for 'build' and 'tmp/watch' for 'watch'.

  --noapidocs           (Default: false) Disable generation of API docs.

  --ignoreprojects      (Default: false) Disable project cracking.

  --strict              (Default: false) Fail if there is a problem generating docs.

  --eval                (Default: false) Evaluate F# fragments in scripts.

  --saveimages          (Default: none) Save images referenced in docs (some|none|all). If 'some' then image links in formatted results are saved for latex and ipynb output docs.

  --sourcefolder        Source folder at time of component build (defaults to value of `<FsDocsSourceFolder>` from project file, else current directory)

  --sourcerepo          Source repository for github links (defaults to value of `<FsDocsSourceRepository>` from project file, else `<RepositoryUrl>/tree/<RepositoryBranch>` for Git repositories)

  --linenumbers         (Default: false) Add line numbers.

  --nonpublic           (Default: false) The tool will also generate documentation for non-public members

  --mdcomments          (Default: false) Assume /// comments in F# code are markdown style (defaults to value of `<UsesMarkdownComments>` from project file)

  --parameters          Additional substitution substitutions for templates, e.g. --parameters key1 value1 key2 value2

  --nodefaultcontent    Do not copy default content styles, javascript or use default templates.

  --properties          Provide properties to dotnet msbuild, e.g. --properties Configuration=Release Version=3.4

  --fscoptions          Extra flags for F# compiler analysis, e.g. dependency resolution.

  --clean               (Default: false) Clean the output directory.

  --help                Display this help screen.

  --version             Display version information.

I'd be willing to contribute this fix if you'd want it.

Thanks for keeping FAKE maintained!

yazeedobaid commented 1 year ago

@TheAngryByrd yes, please! Thanks for reporting

TheAngryByrd commented 1 year ago

Any chance we could get a release with this in it?