fsprojects / FAKE

FAKE - F# Make
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Add GenerateReleaseNotes support to GitHub #2751

Closed raymens closed 6 months ago

raymens commented 1 year ago


Add an option for the GitHub Create Release step to enable generating of release notes. Had to update the Octokit package for it.

I noticed some differences between the (new?) GitHub API and how the package is structured in FAKE. For example that currently the name of the release always equals the tagname for FAKE while these are different in GitHub. However I didn't want to necessarily take that on in this PR.

I did not find any docs or tests I would need to update.


Feel free to open the PR and ask for help

xperiandri commented 9 months ago

Approved, thank you very much for the contribution!

xperiandri commented 8 months ago

@raymens can you rebase? Or invite to your repo, I'll rebase myself

raymens commented 8 months ago

@xperiandri I've rebased the solution