fsprojects / FAKE

FAKE - F# Make
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Added shorthash to git functions #2752

Closed voronoipotato closed 4 months ago

voronoipotato commented 11 months ago


Grabs the shorthash

voronoipotato commented 7 months ago

@xperiandri what do you think :) ?

voronoipotato commented 7 months ago

@xperiandri Ah I see, I need to run fantomas on it to merge. I'll handle that after work today.

xperiandri commented 5 months ago

@voronoipotato could you format your changes? Build fails

xperiandri commented 5 months ago

@DanielRowe1 let's merge this and I will release

voronoipotato commented 5 months ago

Thanks! We use the shorthash at my work sometimes so this is pretty nice.

voronoipotato commented 5 months ago

I'll format it after work today. Thanks!

Numpsy commented 5 months ago

fwiw I think Fantomas might just want empty lines adding before and after the new function

xperiandri commented 5 months ago


Numpsy commented 5 months ago

I tried tweaking the formatting in a separate branch over at https://github.com/Numpsy/FAKE/commit/ad0da7ca26d98fc5f07018e490aab0e404419a8c and the formatting step of the CI build worked - https://github.com/Numpsy/FAKE/actions/runs/7504044055 - though that intermitent macOS build failure happened in the integration tests.

Not sure if I'd be able to update this PR though, or if it'd need a new one off my fork.

Numpsy commented 4 months ago

@voronoipotato This addition has hopefully been merged in #2770 now

xperiandri commented 4 months ago

@voronoipotato you can delete the branch