fsprojects / FAKE

FAKE - F# Make
1.28k stars 582 forks source link

Project evolution and maintaining #2759

Open xperiandri opened 11 months ago

xperiandri commented 11 months ago

As I see from the recent activity there is no active maintainer here. Merging even a tiny PR lasts for months. In such a situation, it is easier to cut out the use of Fake from the projects where people use it, as upgrading to .NET 7 is a huge pain. And the same is going to happen for .NET 8.

But I'm still interested in using Fake and can act at least as a bug-fix contributor, and bug-fix PR reviewer and merger. Depending on authority I will be provided.

cc @sergey-tihon

sergey-tihon commented 11 months ago

@forki can @xperiandri join the FAKE maintainers team?

[Updated - Aug 26] Additional ping on Twitter - https://twitter.com/sergey_tihon/status/1695416946336969127

sergey-tihon commented 10 months ago

@yazeedobaid @matthid @cloudRoutine ?

sergey-tihon commented 10 months ago

Since there has been no reply on this thread for a month, I assume that we do not have an active maintainer for this repo. I've granted the Maintainer role for @xperiandri. // cc @dsyme

Welcome Aboard!

xperiandri commented 9 months ago

@baronfel would you like too? Or just review from time to time?