fsprojects / FSharp.Compatibility

Compatibility libraries for F#
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Fix failing IO_EndOfLine_Translations tests #3

Closed jmquigs closed 9 years ago

jmquigs commented 9 years ago

This is a fix for #1

dsyme commented 9 years ago

These changes look good to me.

@jack-pappas - any opinions?

@jmquigs - would you be interested in also becoming an active maintainer of the project (allowing you to accept commits, though your own commits should still be submitted via PRs)

jmquigs commented 9 years ago

@dsyme - sure, becoming a maintainer sounds cool. thanks

dsyme commented 9 years ago

Hey @sergey-tihon - this reminds me, we should write a general "onboarding guide" for new project maintainers settinng out minimal expectations, code-of-conduct and responsibilities in "fsprojects". Do you think you could draft one as a PR to fsprojects.github.io project?

Also, ideally each "fsprojects" guide should also have a "Developer Guide" section in the README with brief minimal information about how to build, build docs and publish the nuget packages. Normally the first job of each new "maintainer" is to double check that the information is accurate :)

@jmquigs - we'd be glad to have you contribute to this too of course - help define an "onboarding guide" would be very appreciated!

jmquigs commented 9 years ago

@dsyme, @sergey-tihon - I'd be happy to review an onboarding guide when its available. I will also contribute a Developer Guide to the readme for this project.

dsyme commented 9 years ago

Great! :)

sergey-tihon commented 9 years ago

@dsyme I will try to come up with draft (but a bit later)