fsprojects / FSharp.Configuration

The FSharp.Configuration project contains type providers for the configuration of .NET projects.
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Add support for Nested List #82

Closed dotcomputercraft closed 8 years ago

dotcomputercraft commented 8 years ago

I have the following yaml file:

  id: "myApp"
      - "attribute"
      - "OPERATOR"
      - "value"
    environment: "staging"

and here is the error I get when I use the FSharp.Configuration provider:

"The type provider 'FSharp.Configuration.ConfigTypeProvider + FSharpConfigurationProvider' reported an error: Nested lists are not supported."

Can we add support for Nested list to the FSharp.Configuration provider?

Please let me know.

John Montoya

abacaj commented 8 years ago

I second this request, this is is a necessary feature for more complex configurations.

dotcomputercraft commented 8 years ago

@mexx adn @vasily-kirichenko - Thank you for the rapid response. This feature will help me and others.