fsprojects / FSharp.Control.Reactive

Extensions and wrappers for using Reactive Extensions (Rx) with F#.
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Concat or Merge? #53

Closed polytypic closed 8 years ago

polytypic commented 9 years ago

I just looked at the ObservableBuilder for the first time and noticed it has the following definitions:

member __.Bind(m: IObservable<_>, f: _ -> IObservable<_>) = m.SelectMany(f)
member __.Combine(comp1, comp2) = Observable.Concat(comp1, comp2)

SelectMany merges the observable sequences, while Concat concatenates the sequences. To me this looks very odd, because this means the builder uses two different semantics for combining sequences. Googling revealed that this aspect has also been noticed earlier.

To me it would make more sense if Bind were defined as:

member __.Bind(m: IObservable<_>, f: _ -> IObservable<_>) = m.Select(f).Concat()

Note that I just mention this because the current definition looks odd. I have no plans to use the builder at the moment.

panesofglass commented 9 years ago

The Rx team fixed the issue with respect to the StackOverflowException in Rx 2.0. However, you could certainly be correct. I think it would be helpful to create some tests to show how this could work better. Also, I believe we implement Delay, which would mean the Combine implementation is wrong in any case, since it should at least be (I think):

member __.Combine(comp1, comp2) = Observable.Concat(comp1, comp2())

That said, Delay is not implemented in the typical way and is also likely incorrect.

Another aspect we should reconsider: Why do we have both Return and Yield? As Observables are sequence-like, they should probably implement Yield only and avoid Return. I don't think this really hurts anything, but it would have been nice to either differentiate them (e.g. Return enforces a single result) or not implement both operators.

polytypic commented 9 years ago

FYI, I've been thinking about this a bit further and I came up with the following experimental approach for choice streams: Builder. In other words, I think that depending on the desired results, more than one of the "join" operations may be appropriate. I think that append (or concat) and switch, in particular, are useful join operations on streams. Append corresponds to collecting all possible results sequentially. It is like collect on sequences. switch, on the other hand, corresponds to the idea that one wants to compute the latest value depending on some changing inputs. It is roughly what UI.Next does. I think that merge, corresponding to Merge and SelectMany of Rx, is not that useful or practical. I think that the emphasis on SelectMany in Rx may be a historical mistake.

Yes, I agree that yield is preferable to return. Delay and Combine seem fine to me as they are, but I might be mistaken as I have not yet found a good definition of the semantics of Rx (cue @headinthebox). Using I'm not sure about. If it returns the same value res multiple times, then will it be disposed multiple times and might the value be used after it has been disposed?

panesofglass commented 9 years ago

Looking at this a bit more, I'm not sure I agree that SelectMany should be replaced by Select + Concat. While that would probably work just fine, I would expect Bind to behave in according to Merge and not Concat. However, with respect to Combine, Concat makes sense as I would have specified and expected the first to complete before running the latter. I'm still open to discussing further, of course, and still thinking about the ramifications of the changes.

polytypic commented 9 years ago

Sorry for the previous reply—I was in the wrong monad. :)

I think one question to ask here is whether given monadic Join

member builder.Join (xMM: M<M<'x>>) : M<'x> = builder.Bind (id, xMM)

the expression

builder.Join (builder.Return (builder.Combine (xs, ys)))

and the expression

builder.Join (builder.Combine (builder.Return xs, builder.Return ys))

should have the same meaning?

The above holds when the same form of composition (Addition: Concat or Merge) is used in both Combine and Bind and otherwise does not.

However, it may well be that there are many different useful combinations of semantics for Combine and Bind with intuitive meanings. Concat and Merge is not the only useful one and perhaps not even the most useful or intuitive one.

panesofglass commented 9 years ago

@VesaKarvonen, what do you suggest?

polytypic commented 9 years ago

I was mainly just pointing out something that, IMHO, needs careful consideration. I don't have a specific suggestion for what you should do. So, feel free to close this issue.

Rx streams can be used for a variety of purposes. The particular combination of Merge and Concat that the ObservableBuilder uses doesn't necessarily cover all of those and may also produce unexpected results as Combine doesn't distribute under Join like with ordinary sequences (the question raised in my previous reply).

Also note that using sequential Concat semantics for Combine, For and While in ObservableBuilder does not guarantee that mutable state created within the builder could not be accessed in parallel, because using Merge semantics for Bind introduces the possibility of parallel execution.

In my choice stream library, I'm currently providing four separate builders:

/// This builder joins substreams with `append` to produce a stream with all
/// results in sequential order.
val appended: Builder

/// This builder joins substreams with `merge` to produce a stream with all
/// results in completion order.
val merged: Builder

/// This builder joins substreams with `amb` to produce a stream with the
/// first results.
val ambed: Builder

/// This builder joins substreams with `switch` to produce a stream with the
/// latest results.
val switched: Builder

I think that these correspond to four particular purposes for which one might use choice streams.

The first two are cases where one uses choice streams to get a collection of all results. The difference between them is that the first one, appended, collects the results sequentially in query order while the second one, merged, collects the results in parallel in completion order. appended is basically the same thing one would get with ordinary sequences and one could use it when the order of results is important. merged, on the other hand, is useful when the order of results is not important, but you still want a collection of all the results.

The two remaining are cases where one doesn't use choice streams to get a collection of all results, but a result, or an ordered sequence of results, that are either the first results or the latest results. With ambed you probably have a situation where you have multiple data sources each producing the same or equivalent result and you just want any one of them as quickly as possible. With switched you probably have a situation where you want to compute an up-to-date result that depends on various time varying properties. Each time a particular property changes, you are no longer interested in results based on old values of that property.

These four builders probably don't cover all of the use cases. As all of the builders create choice streams, one could use two or more of the builders to create the desired combination of semantics.

panesofglass commented 9 years ago

That is very enlightening! Thank you for the reply. I'm not sure how to proceed either but will leave this open for further discussion. Perhaps @headinthebox will finally weigh in at some point.

panesofglass commented 8 years ago

I'm going to leave as-is for now. I would appreciate additional feedback. Also, @polytypic, if you need this change made for a specific use case, please let me know, as that will add more weight to the request.