fsprojects / FSharp.Control.Reactive

Extensions and wrappers for using Reactive Extensions (Rx) with F#.
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Observable.combineLatest should return a tuple #60

Closed bordoley closed 8 years ago

bordoley commented 9 years ago

In C# it requires the map function because tuples weren't part of .NET 4, and they're not that nice to work with in C#, but in F# the map function is painful. Let me know, I can submit a pr for this too once approved.

panesofglass commented 9 years ago

Please submit a PR. I'm not terribly familiar with this combinator nor why it should return a tuple. I'm intrigued to see your PR!

bordoley commented 9 years ago

I'm a little swamped this week trying to get a library I'm trying to finish into a releasable state, but I'll get you PRs for all these in a week or two.

panesofglass commented 9 years ago

Fantastic! Thank you!