fsprojects / FSharp.Control.Reactive

Extensions and wrappers for using Reactive Extensions (Rx) with F#.
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Update to Rx-3.0 #90

Closed jakelishman closed 7 years ago

jakelishman commented 7 years ago

This updates the project to use the new (v3.0) version of the Reactive Extensions.

Since System.Reactive has dropped support for .NET framework 4.0 and Profile259, I have removed them from the solution. I'm not well experienced in building .NET libraries though, so if there's a way around that, I can rectify the PR.

jakelishman commented 7 years ago

Apologies on the broken build in the middle commit - I missed that there was a nuget target and hadn't updated the paket.template correctly.

cloudRoutine commented 7 years ago

don't worry about that, it happens all the time to every repo using CI. in fact that's exactly what we want to happen :wink:

cloudRoutine commented 7 years ago

did you try having FSharp.Control.Reactive only depend on Reactive.Core? just curious if you know how much of the surface area that would effect.

jakelishman commented 7 years ago

With only System.Reactive.Core, there didn't seem to be any static member extensions to the Observable type - I believe they're all defined as members on System.Reactive.Linq.Observable. So to answer the question, there's little useful coverage with only Core.