fsprojects / FSharp.Control.Reactive

Extensions and wrappers for using Reactive Extensions (Rx) with F#.
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Does not support PCL profiles (78/259) #94

Closed pvaibhav closed 6 years ago

pvaibhav commented 6 years ago


I tried to add the NuGet package to my project which was using PCL profile 78, which did not work. I tried to update my project's profile to 259 and tried again. It still did not work.

Repro steps

Please provide the steps required to reproduce the problem

  1. Create PCL project in Visual Studio Mac, targeting profile 78 or 259.

  2. Try to add the FSharp.Control.Reactive Nuget package to the project.

Expected behavior

The package is successfully added to the project.

Actual behavior

Received error message in Package Console:

Could not install package 'FSharp.Control.Reactive 3.5.0'. You are trying to install this package into a project that targets '.NETPortable,Version=v4.5,Profile=Profile259', but the package does not contain any assembly references or content files that are compatible with that framework. For more information, contact the package author.

Known workarounds

Related information

pvaibhav commented 6 years ago

I found that using .NET Standard is a better solution than using PCLs. The library installs fine when using .NET Standard 2.0 (have not tested lower versions).