fsprojects / FSharp.Data

F# Data: Library for Data Access
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Question: Is this project hackable on the dotnet 6 preview versions? #1385

Open EverybodyKurts opened 3 years ago

EverybodyKurts commented 3 years ago

Hi all,

I'm attempting to do my part and create a fork that implement the features I want to see. To that end, I've cloned the repo and tried to run the ./build.sh shell script. I am on an M1 Macbook Air with dotnet 6 preview 4 installed.

I've changed the sdk.version in global.json to 6.0.100-preview.4 and ran the build shell script. Below is the output:

$ ./build.sh 
Tool 'fsharp.formatting.commandtool' (version '11.1.0') was restored. Available commands: fsdocs
Tool 'fake-cli' (version '5.20.4-alpha.1642') was restored. Available commands: fake
Tool 'paket' (version '6.0.0-beta8') was restored. Available commands: paket

Restore was successful.
Paket version 6.0.0-beta8
The last restore is still up to date. Nothing left to do.
Total time taken: 0 milliseconds
The last restore is still up to date. Nothing left to do.
Script is not valid:
        unknown (1,0)-(1,0): Error FS0193: The specified file name or path is too long, or a component of the specified path is too long.
Hint: Could not find a version in your paket.dependencies file, consider adding 'version 5.251.0' at the top of your dependencies file (/Users/kurtmueller/Developer/everybodykurts/FSharp.Data/paket.dependencies).
Read https://github.com/fsharp/FAKE/issues/2193 for details.
Hint: The fake-runner has not been updated for at least 6 months. Please consider upgrading to get latest bugfixes, improved suggestions and F# features.
 - Cli parsing: 170 milliseconds
 - Packages: 38 milliseconds
 - Script compiling: 361 milliseconds
 - Runtime: 918 milliseconds

The stack trace doesn't tell me which line in build.fsx is throwing the exception or if build.fsx script itself is the file I should be looking at.

As always, thank you for your hard work. Any help or guidance is appreciated.

baronfel commented 3 years ago

For FAKE, you want to use -v instead of --debug.

Aside from that, many projects and tests in the repo should be locally buildable and testable using 'dotnet build' and 'dotnet test', irrespective of the FAKE runner. So if it's causing you problems just sidestep it and go about your hacking until you get to the point where you want to polish up your changes and submit them as an MR.

cartermp commented 3 years ago

I would expect not, as I don't think FAKE has been updated for .NET 6 yet. But that's just speculation