fsprojects / FSharp.Formatting

F# tools for generating documentation (Markdown processor and F# code formatter)
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Preserve underscores in emphasis. #760

Closed nojaf closed 1 year ago

nojaf commented 1 year ago

Fixes #389. This isn't an airtight fix but will work in the most common situations. It worked for the Fantomas documentation.

nhirschey commented 1 year ago

As written you will fail markdown emphasis near commas, semi-colons, etc. such as in the below test (you can test the spec here). I suggest a fix below, a little more tight but still not perfect.

let ``Underscore inside italic and bold near punctuation is preserved`` () =
    let doc = "This is **bold_bold**, and this _italic_; and _this_too_: again."

    let expected =
        "<p>This is <strong>bold_bold</strong>, and this <em>italic</em>; and <em>this_too</em>: again.</p>\r\n"
        |> properNewLines

    Markdown.ToHtml doc |> shouldEqual expected

"<p>This is **bold_bold**, and this _italic_; and _this_too_: again.</p>"

It will pass if you instead don't end emphasis with underscores that come before letters or numbers:

/// Succeeds when the specificed character list starts with a letter or number
let inline (|AlphaNum|_|) input =
    let re = """^[a-zA-Z0-9]"""
    let match' = Regex.Match(Array.ofList input |> String, re)
    if match'.Success then
        let entity = match'.Value
        let _, rest = List.splitAt entity.Length input
        Some(char entity, rest)

/// Matches a list if it starts with a sub-list that is delimited
/// using the specified delimiters. Returns a wrapped list and the rest.
/// This is similar to `List.Delimited`, but it skips over escaped characters.
let (|DelimitedMarkdown|_|) bracket input =
    let _startl, endl = bracket, bracket
    // Like List.partitionUntilEquals, but skip over escaped characters
    let rec loop acc =
        | EscapedChar (x, xs) -> loop (x :: '\\' :: acc) xs
        | input when List.startsWith endl input ->
            let rest = List.skip bracket.Length input
            match rest with
            | AlphaNum (x, xs ) -> loop (x :: endl @ acc) xs
            | _ -> Some (List.rev acc, input)
        | x :: xs -> loop (x :: acc) xs
        | [] -> None
    // If it starts with 'startl', let's search for 'endl'
    if List.startsWith bracket input then
        match loop [] (List.skip bracket.Length input) with
        | Some (pre, post) -> Some(pre, List.skip bracket.Length post)
        | None -> None
nojaf commented 1 year ago
