fsprojects / FSharp.TypeProviders.SDK

The SDK for creating F# type providers
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Fix test instantiating correct type provider instance #233

Closed 7sharp9 closed 6 years ago

7sharp9 commented 6 years ago

Also fix the paket package group

7sharp9 commented 6 years ago

@dsyme I fixed the tests so that the correct instance of the TP being tested is now being used, unfortunately there are now errors on both travis and appveyor:

System.Exception : failed to find reference to FSharp.Core, Version= in output for F# 3.1 Portable 259

7sharp9 commented 6 years ago

@dsyme Also the test case does not seem to make sense: At the end there is a loop:

            // re-read the assembly with the more complete reader to allow us to look at generated references
            let assem = tp.TargetContext.ReadRelatedAssembly(assemContents)
            let res = [| for r in assem.GetReferencedAssemblies() -> r.ToString() |] |> String.concat ","
            printfn "----- GenerativeProviderWithRecursiveReferencesToGeneratedTypes %s ------- " text 
            printfn "compilation references for FSharp.Core target %s = %A" text runtimeAssemblyRefs
            printfn "assembly references for FSharp.Core target %s = %s" text res
            for desc2 in possibleVersions do 
                let contains = res.Contains("FSharp.Core, Version="+desc2)
                if contains = (desc = desc2) then ()
                elif contains then failwith ("unexpected reference to FSharp.Core, Version="+desc+" in output for "+text)
                else failwith ("failed to find reference to FSharp.Core, Version="+desc2+" in output for " + text)

res only contains a reference to System.Runtime, so contains is always false

On the first iteration of the loop desc = desc2 is true as the second tuple in testCases() is desc ("") and the first item in possibleVersions is the same ( "")

let testCases() = 
     ("F# 3.1 Portable 259", "", (fun _ ->  Targets.hasPortable259Assemblies()), Targets.Portable259FSharp31Refs)
     ("F# 4.0 Portable 259", "", (fun _ ->  Targets.hasPortable259Assemblies() && Targets.supportsFSharp40()), Targets.Portable259FSharp40Refs)
     ("F# 3.1 .NET 4.5", "", (fun _ ->  Targets.supportsFSharp31()), Targets.DotNet45FSharp31Refs)
     ("F# 4.0 .NET 4.5", "", (fun _ ->  Targets.supportsFSharp40()), Targets.DotNet45FSharp40Refs)
     ("F# 4.1 .NET 4.5", "", (fun _ ->  true), Targets.DotNet45FSharp41Refs)
     ("F# 4.1 .NET Standard 2.0", "", (fun _ ->  true), Targets.DotNetStandard20FSharp41Refs)
     ("F# 4.1 .NET CoreApp 2.0", "", (fun _ ->  true), Targets.DotNetCoreApp20FSharp41Refs) ]

let possibleVersions = 
      (typeof<list<int>>.Assembly.GetName().Version.ToString()) ]

Can you comment on what the test is supposed to achieve as this is confusing, especially as there is never an FSharp.Core reference either, so the first pcl test will always fail:

if contains = (desc = desc2) then () if false = ("" = "") then ()

enricosada commented 6 years ago

Same on windows, in res doesnt find fsharp.core, but system.runtime is the TP adding as reference the wrong assembly? so system.runtime instead of fsharp.core?

dsyme commented 6 years ago

What do these print?

            printfn "compilation references for FSharp.Core target %s = %A" text runtimeAssemblyRefs
            printfn "assembly references for FSharp.Core target %s = %s" text res
7sharp9 commented 6 years ago

@dsyme They look like this:

compilation references for FSharp.Core target F# 3.1 Portable 259 = [
assembly references for FSharp.Core target F# 3.1 Portable 259 = 
System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
7sharp9 commented 6 years ago

ping, anyone...?

7sharp9 commented 6 years ago

pingy, ping, ping?

dsyme commented 6 years ago

If it's not green it's hard to merge :)

res only contains a reference to System.Runtime, so contains is always false

I would have expected a reference to FSharp.Core in the list. Either you need to adjust your type provider to emit more code (including something that uses FSharp.Core) or there is a problem in building this list.

The aim of the test is simply to check that the emitted reference to FSHarp.Core is correct when using all the different profiles.

7sharp9 commented 6 years ago

@dsyme The point was the tests in here are incorrect :-)

GenerativeProviderWithRecursiveReferencesToGeneratedTypes generates for correctly references GenerativePropertyProviderWithStaticParams not GenerativeProviderWithRecursiveReferencesToGeneratedTypes

GenerativeProviderWithRecursiveReferencesToGeneratedTypes generates for hosted execution correctly references GenerativePropertyProviderWithStaticParams instead of GenerativeProviderWithRecursiveReferencesToGeneratedTypes

Also group fs41 was missing for paket so it wont run the script on my machine

So when I fix the tests to reference the correct providers I dont know what the correct behaviour is supposed to be.

dsyme commented 6 years ago

replaced by #255