fsprojects / FSharp.TypeProviders.SDK

The SDK for creating F# type providers
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Slow intellisense while using FSharp.Data.Npgsql erasive type provider #307

Closed melanore closed 5 years ago

melanore commented 5 years ago


Hi! We are using FSharp.Data.Npgsql type provider library as strongly typed db access layer for PostgreSQL. This is erasive cross target type provider for netcore2.0/net461. Architecture wise, given type provider is very similar to FSharp.Data.SqlClient tp for MSSQL.

However at current stage solution is pretty big, and intellisense is very slow. Type provider api consists of next parts:

Creation of new db command with 5 output columns and 5 input parameters typically leads to creation of:

All caching is local to type provider instance:

Code required for retrieving data for DbCommand provided type with descendants executes in ~5 to 10 ms.

Some profiling metrics: Operating System: Windows 10 IDE: Visual Studio 2019 v.16.0.3 / JetBrains Rider 2019.1 EAP Project framework: netcore 2.0 FSharp.TypeProviders.SDK: latest master

Intellisense time in Visual Studio 19 v.16.0.3 for file containing: 1 command = <.5 sec 5 commands = ~2 sec 9 commands = ~6 sec 12 commands = ~8 sec 24 commands = ~16 sec

Changing a 1 db command text to invalid command in module with 24 commands reports an error in ~10-12 sec after the change. Changing command text back to text, that is a key for provided type in type provider triggers intellisense in ~6sec.

Opening of file with 24 commands after fresh load of solution, after type provider DbConnection instantiation in separate file, takes ~ 28-35 sec.

Example of DotTrace profiling session: image image

Traces point to method ImportProvidedMethodBaseAsILMethodRef_OnStack_HACK in ProvidedTypes.fs, that is invoked for void returning ProvidedMethods, but this might be a wrong lead. image

Are these performance metrics are expected for large solution using an erasive type provider? Any chance you could suggest possible changes, that could be done to library in order to achieve better performance?

2 example DotTrace sessions of devenv.exe attached. https://drive.google.com/file/d/15KrfBCfgThGk5D_c0RC3cj1ZKl4oAFL8/view?usp=sharing

Thanks for your time!

dsyme commented 5 years ago

@melanore I'm surprised at the performance figures, it would be great to sort this out.

Certainly ImportProvidedMethodBaseAsILMethodRef_OnStack_HACK looks like one major bottleneck, and I've created https://github.com/fsprojects/FSharp.TypeProviders.SDK/pull/309 which may solve this problem. Could you try that?

I suspect the type provider is also somehow stressing TPs in some unexpected way, perhaps in the size of the provided code. At a quick glance through https://github.com/demetrixbio/FSharp.Data.Npgsql/blob/master/src/DesignTime/QuotationsFactory.fs I can imagine the overall quotation size being handed over could be quite large. Is there any chance a good chunk of this can be moved into library helpers in the TPRTC runtime library component?

melanore commented 5 years ago

Intellisense is much more responsive now. Opening a file with 24 commands now takes ~ 8-9 sec, Returning an error / return type for DbCommand takes on average ~3 sec. Profiling picture is also different now, - looks like size of passed expressions is indeed stressing TP. image https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GCJr6YYrzPdnFnIxiBeC2_c-vHVRUrT_/view?usp=sharing

There might be a way to optimize it by providing columns and parameters info as part of design time config, and then derive actual parameter population and mapping of output columns in runtime. Probably biggest bottlneck now are sequential expressions in TP:

image image

Will try to rewrite this part of type provider. Thanks for pointing it out!

melanore commented 5 years ago

Hi. Any chance given fix could be merged as it did yield some performance improvements?

dsyme commented 5 years ago

Hi. Any chance given fix could be merged as it did yield some performance improvements?

Which PR? thanks

dsyme commented 5 years ago

This one? https://github.com/fsprojects/FSharp.TypeProviders.SDK/pull/309


melanore commented 5 years ago

Yes, https://github.com/fsprojects/FSharp.TypeProviders.SDK/pull/309. As mentioned, the biggest bottleneck is expression size, but this fix does yield a noticeable improvement.

melanore commented 5 years ago

Didn't notice it was already merged to master. Thanks for help!