fsprojects / FSharp.TypeProviders.SDK

The SDK for creating F# type providers
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Is authoring TP in .NET 8 unsupported? #408

Open cannorin opened 5 days ago

cannorin commented 5 days ago


We F#+ team are trying to migrate our entire codebase to F# 8 and net8, dropping older framework versions including net45 and even netstandard2.0. However, our type provider project seemingly produces an invalid assembly once we switch it to net8.

The TP project compiles just fine, but the consuming project fails to compile with the following error:

FSC : warning FS3005: Referenced assembly '.../src/obj/Debug/net8.0/ref/FSharpPlus.Providers.dll' has assembly level attribute 'Microsoft.FSharp.Core.CompilerServices.TypeProviderAssemblyAttribute' but no public type provider classes were found

Is this a known limitation on authoring type providers in net8 or is this rather an unexpected issue?

Repro steps

We have created a small project that reproduces the above error.

We used the type provider template from FSharp.TypeProviders.Templates, merged the runtime and design time projects to make it resemble our setup, and upgraded everything to use F# 8 and net8.


Here is the actual error message from a CI log: https://github.com/cannorin/net8-typeprovider-fail-repro/actions/runs/9658205746/job/26638915041

Expected behavior

TP projects built in net8 must be consumable.

Actual behavior

The consuming project fails to compile with the above error.

Known workarounds

Keep using netstandard2.0.



cartermp commented 4 days ago

@vzarytovskii miiiight be good for your team to look at this one. I could probably fumble my way around but my knowledge cutoff date is .NET 6

vzarytovskii commented 4 days ago

@vzarytovskii miiiight be good for your team to look at this one. I could probably fumble my way around but my knowledge cutoff date is .NET 6

Not in the comings weeks/months for sure, we're busy with .NET 9 release as well as engineering work. Also, doubtful that anyone from the team knows anything about TP SDK (from non-compiler POV).

Additionally, non- .NET standard 2.0 providers (or their design-time part rather) won't work in VS (probably Rider as well, since they run FCS in full CLR host process, IIRC).

vzarytovskii commented 4 days ago

Oh and this issue might be related to refassemblies (which are produced by default by net8+ compiler), try switching it off - <ProduceReferenceAssembly>false</ProduceReferenceAssembly>

cannorin commented 3 days ago

@vzarytovskii Disabling refassemblies actually makes the project compile and the tests run successfully. Thank you! As you have mentioned, however, Ionide-VSCode (and thus FSAC) seems to hang when trying to typecheck the test project. So my conclusion is that net8 TP projects are effectively unconsumable at the moment, and it is a known limitation.

vzarytovskii commented 3 days ago

@baronfel might actually know better what's happening in ionide. Technically compiler doesn't care much which target tp is, it's just if it's design time, tooling needs to be able to load that target.

baronfel commented 3 days ago

I don't immediately know what happens in Ionide here - we don't have any tests covering TP usage directly nor do we do any explicit customization of the compiler around them so it should be 'vanilla' out of the box behavior.

Thorium commented 12 hours ago

Just general notes and questions (as TP structure is not very well documented):

// Put the TypeProviderAssemblyAttribute in the runtime DLL, pointing to the design-time DLL
do ()

As Vlad pointed above, to run VS2022 intellisense you need NetStandard 2.0, so your .NET8-only TP would work only with dotnet.exe and VS Code.