fsprojects / FsHttp

A lightweight F# HTTP library by @SchlenkR and @dawedawe
Apache License 2.0
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fix(deps): Remove redundant TFM-specific builds #185

Closed bartelink closed 4 months ago

bartelink commented 4 months ago

potential follow-up to #184 See https://github.com/serilog/serilog/issues/1970 for lots of reasoning, but the TL;DR is:

In the general case, a library should depend on the minimum TFM that it can be implemented in terms of. For many libs, thats netstandard2.0, and supporting that is great when it's possible.

Adding TFM-specific builds for stuff later than net6.0 on the other hand brings little concrete benefit. i.e.

bartelink commented 4 months ago

I'm definitely not trying to push this one as aggressively as 184, but I am pretty confident that there's nothing to be gained by having a net7.0 or net8.0 build of the package

Obviously if it's possible to achieve more or improve performance by targeting an API only present in a newer TFM, then there's a choice to be made between:

My objection is to making life more complex than it needs to be until such time as there's something in a newer TFM that's relevant to the task at hand.