Open vasily-kirichenko opened 7 years ago
any chance for me to reproduce?
redirects: on
framework: net46
source http://<a private TC server>:88/guestAuth/app/nuget/v1/FeedService.svc
nuget AlphaFS
nuget Antlr
nuget Argu
nuget Castle.Core
nuget Castle.FactorySupportFacility
nuget Castle.Windsor
nuget Chiron
nuget Common.Logging
nuget Common.Logging.Core
nuget DokanNet 1.1.0-rc3 prerelease
nuget DogStatsD-CSharp-Client
nuget DotNetZip
nuget EasyNetQ.Management.Client
nuget Elasticsearch.Net ~> 1
nuget ExtCore
nuget FAKE
nuget Fizzler.Systems.HtmlAgilityPack
nuget Foq
nuget FParsec
nuget FsCheck
nuget FSharp.Core
nuget FSharp.Collections.ParallelSeq
nuget FSharp.Configuration
nuget FSharp.Control.AsyncSeq
nuget FSharp.Data
nuget FSharp.Data.SqlClient
nuget FSharp.Data.TypeProviders
nuget FSharp.Management
nuget FSharp.Text.RegexProvider
nuget FSharpx.Async
nuget FSharpx.Collections
nuget FSharpx.Extras
nuget FsPickler 3.1
nuget FsPickler.Json 3.1
nuget fszmq
nuget Hopac
nuget Hopac.Extras
nuget HtmlAgilityPack 1.4.6
nuget Http.fs
nuget Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc
nuget Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Optimization
nuget Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi
nuget Microsoft.Data.OData
nuget Microsoft.Owin
nuget Microsoft.SqlServer.Types
nuget Minimatch
nuget mongocsharpdriver
nuget Mono.Cecil
nuget Moq
nuget MSDN.FSharpChart.dll
nuget NEST ~> 1
nuget Newtonsoft.Json
nuget NLog
nuget NuGet.CommandLine
nuget NUnit ~> 2
nuget NUnit.Runners ~> 2
nuget Owin
nuget Paket
nuget prometheus-net
nuget protobuf-net
nuget rx-core
nuget Quartz
nuget RabbitMQ.Client 3.4.3
nuget RhinoMocks
nuget Selenium.WebDriver
nuget SevenZipSharp
nuget Shouldly 2.6
nuget Suave ~> 0
nuget TFS.Client 11.0.0
nuget Unquote
nuget WebSharper
nuget WebSharper.Forms
nuget WebSharper.Owin
nuget WebSharper.Suave
nuget WebSharper.UI.Next
nuget WindowsAzure.Storage ~> 4.3
nuget ZetaLongPaths
group UpdatedRabbitMq
nuget RabbitMQ.Client 3.6.1
Just got the same error on empty project. Tried to add Suave on v3 feed. Works fine for v2.
Paket failed with:
Could not find versions for package Suave on
@eugene-g can you please create a zip with repro? Thx
@forki: disregard. My bad - wrong feed address :)