fsprojects / Paket

A dependency manager for .NET with support for NuGet packages and Git repositories.
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paket init: Default framework restriction #4228

Closed ChrSteinert closed 7 months ago

ChrSteinert commented 9 months ago

In response to #4186 , changes the default framework restriction in the paket.dependencies file when running paket init to be `auto-detect, and adds a newline at the end of the file.

While it is obviously maintainers choice to take or leave this, I also quite often "stumble" over the net5 default restriction. I would personally might pick something like the latest LTS, but auto-detect is the least … "getting in the way of the user".

Any advice/optinion is appreciated!

smoothdeveloper commented 9 months ago

@ChrSteinert from my subjective experience, leaving the line totally out of the paket.dependencies gives me the best experience, and advanced users can "pin" it, if they don't like the behaviour.

I think having it omitted doesn't impact the .fsproj, causes no churn in terms of version control of those files, I assume it may make the paket install take a bit longer.

My suggestion unless we get better feedback would be to remove the line from the template / paket init.

ChrSteinert commented 9 months ago

Huh – I was not aware, that omitting it is an option.

I found the default being a good pointer to „you can configure this that way“, without necessarily ready the documentation.

What do you think about adding a framework restriction as a comment, like many other default config files do?

Von: Gauthier Segay @.> Gesendet: Monday, September 25, 2023 5:15:09 PM An: fsprojects/Paket @.> Cc: Christian Steinert @.>; Mention @.> Betreff: Re: [fsprojects/Paket] paket init: Default framework restriction (PR #4228)

@ChrSteinerthttps://github.com/ChrSteinert from my subjective experience, leaving the line totally out of the paket.dependencies gives me the best experience, and advanced users can "pin" it, if they don't like the behaviour.

I think having it omitted doesn't impact the .fsproj, causes no churn in terms of version control of those files, I assume it may make the paket install take a bit longer.

My suggestion unless we get better feedback would be to remove the line from the template / paket init.

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ChrSteinert commented 9 months ago

Did I just miss it, or is the (top level/group level) framework restriction not even mentioned in the docs?

ChrSteinert commented 9 months ago

Never mind… I just cant read…