fsprojects / Paket

A dependency manager for .NET with support for NuGet packages and Git repositories.
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feat!(Paket.restore.targets): Support `dotnet restore` without `paket restore`; avoid null git diffs #4231

Open bartelink opened 8 months ago

bartelink commented 8 months ago



The paket docs don't provide a pit of success for the combo of:

Expected behavior

Actual behavior

  1. If/when I edit/merge Paket.restore.targets, the line endings change to LF
  2. If/when I paket install etc, the file is replaced with a CRLF-endings based file
  3. If I don't commit `Paket.restore.targets, restore does not work without a paket restore

Desired behavior/crazy ideas

I'd be very happy to be told about the xyproblem.info nature of my reasoning and told a better solution, but I feel I've definitely done the legwork to try to figure this out!

I see the following potential general directions to resolve the issue:

  1. Add a doc section that covers what to do (atm it has many generations of advice, but nothing that suggests that it's currently a good idea to add Paket.restore.targets to your repo). I would propose to add some version of the Known Workarounds below to the docs.
  2. Tweak Paket's behavior in minor ways. e.g.
    • if it figured out the expected line endings and wrote paket.restore.targets per that ?
    • if paket autorestore printed a message recommending to commit the Paket.restore.targets ?
  3. Do a more complete fix or V8, e.g.
    • Have a /paket.targets in base of repo (with line endings per .gitattributes)
    • Update the docs to say to commit /paket.*
    • Either have Paket autorestore put a CRLF override in the .gitattributes, or respect the repo's rules

I'd be prepared to do solution 1 if I get enough input

I am not sufficiently au fait with current gen paket to do solution 2

I don't realistically have bandwidth to contribute to the impl of solution 3, though I'll obviously test and type here.

Known workarounds

(Assuming typical gitattributes with typical * text=auto in effect)

  1. Add .paket/Paket.restore.targets eol=crlf to .gitattributes
  2. Add .paket/Paket.restore.targets to source control (with CRLF line endings)