fsprojects / Paket

A dependency manager for .NET with support for NuGet packages and Git repositories.
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Paket Simplify Removing FSharp.Core from paket.references #4235

Open 1eyewonder opened 7 months ago

1eyewonder commented 7 months ago


I was working on a PR over in FsAutoComplete and was suggested to open an issue for discussion over in this repo see here per @smoothdeveloper

Repro steps

  1. I ran dotnet tool restore

  2. I then ran dotnet paket simplify

Additional Context:

Running dotnet sdk check this is what is on my local image

dotnet-tools.json at the time of running these commands


Expected behavior

It sounds like the expected behavior (up for discussion) is to keep the FSharp.Core reference in the paket.reference files

Actual behavior

Paket removes FSharp.Core from the paket.reference since it is a transient dependency