fsprojects / Paket

A dependency manager for .NET with support for NuGet packages and Git repositories.
MIT License
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Install.sh fails on macos with 'could not find a paket source on nuget.org' #4245

Open pzelmanski opened 4 months ago

pzelmanski commented 4 months ago


On MacOs Sonoma 14.2.1, .NET 8.101, I ran build.sh and it went all good, and now I'm running install.sh and it just fails

❯ sudo ./install.sh
Could not find a paket source on nuget.org. Please check your internet connection and access to https://www.nuget.org.

Repro steps

  1. Step A sudo ./install.sh Then it fails

Expected behavior

Packet installs

Actual behavior

Paket fails with error about nuget. I've checked, I can access nuget, I've even deleted Nuget.Config to get back the defaults

Known workarounds
