fsprojects / Paket

A dependency manager for .NET with support for NuGet packages and Git repositories.
MIT License
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Feature Request: an option to `paket install` that would ignore upper bound restrictions #4252

Open smoothdeveloper opened 3 months ago

smoothdeveloper commented 3 months ago

It came while discussing restrictions in https://www.nuget.org/packages/FSharp.Control.Reactive#dependencies-body-tab and the fact there is new major version of the System.Reactive library, making the F# package conflicting with usage of it.

@TheAngryByrd suggested we could have some form of YOLO option that would ignore upper bound restrictions.

Thinking some more, I think it should apply to transitive dependencies, but the restrictions put in the paket.dependencies should still be honored, in terms of resolving the dependency.

Or maybe it should be involved only in case of unresovlable conflict.

It would be good to have sample paket.dependencies that highlight what is the current block about, and what we'd expect in .lock file, if the YOLO option was used.