fsprojects / Paket

A dependency manager for .NET with support for NuGet packages and Git repositories.
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Paket install fails on arm arch when running in a docker build on GitHub action runner #4257

Open legezam opened 1 month ago

legezam commented 1 month ago


I have a DockerFile which is based on ARM arch, and inside this file, i call dotnet paket install once. When this DockerFile is being built on GitHub action runner, it fails with an error:

43.64 Paket failed with
43.71 -> TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
43.89 -> NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Please note, if i do exactly the same on x86, it runs smoothly. Also if i build the exact same DockerFile on an AWS graviton ec2 instance, it runs smoothly.

Also there might be some race condition behind the scenes, becase I also saw a rerun also to fail, but with a different error.

Repro steps

I have prepared a github repository to demonstrate the issue: https://github.com/legezam/paket-issue

Here is a build that has failed: https://github.com/legezam/paket-issue/actions/runs/9284398447

Here is exactly the same image, but ported to x86: https://github.com/legezam/paket-issue/tree/x86

And the corresponding build runs to success: https://github.com/legezam/paket-issue/actions/runs/9284893957

Expected behavior

Arm based paket install runs to success just as x86

Actual behavior


Known workarounds

Not that i know of.

Thanks for the help!

legezam commented 1 month ago

Please note, this is basically an empty commit on top of the original arm based one, and it fails with a different error: https://github.com/legezam/paket-issue/actions/runs/9285240624/job/25549312652