fsprojects / ProjectScaffold

A prototypical .NET solution (file system layout and tooling), recommended for F# projects
The Unlicense
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Add codecov.io support #259

Open jack-pappas opened 8 years ago

jack-pappas commented 8 years ago


Implement support for codecov.io (free service for collecting test coverage results).

Related information

codecov.io is a free service that integrates with Github, and it provides a way to collect test coverage results and publish it to their service; this gives you a 'badge' you can add to the repository's README to make it easy to see how well a library's code is covered by it's test suite.

An example integration for a C# project can be found at: https://github.com/codecov/example-csharp

dsyme commented 7 years ago

Closing old suggestions (please send a PR if you want it)

dsyme commented 6 years ago

This was a great suggestion, my apologies for closing it.

jackfoxy commented 6 years ago

Even if the maintainers do not want this, I would merge it into my fork.